What people are saying about "Sorry"
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almost 9 years ago
Good to see Hearthstone back. :)

Old Gods is really good, I find.

I played Eater of Secrets versus a Mysterious Challenger deck today.

"Your opponent left."

almost 9 years ago
@Matthew Martin: And that's terrible. And stupid. And pointless.
almost 9 years ago
I see what you did there.
almost 9 years ago
tentajo, have you ever tried the game neo scavenger? And if not, would you be willing to check it out?
almost 9 years ago
Alternative joke:
ƒ 1 ‡ ‡ 3
almost 9 years ago
Well played Blizzard
almost 9 years ago
took me a couple of minutes to understand the joke, very nice.

also who needs "sorry" anymore when you can "Well met!" :^)

i would love to see the other girls on HS class costumes, wink wink nudge nudge
almost 9 years ago
Alek need Doom cosplay!!!
Ville Kovanen
almost 9 years ago
Yes, it was the sorry emote we needed to remove, emote I personally used to apologize for being afk, instead of removing like say; Well played, Thanks or Oops, emotes players mostly spam to either annoy you or mock you.
Instead we needed even saltier emote than all three of those combined...
almost 9 years ago
Well, technically, Thoughtsteal doesn't steal items, it just copies them. It's more like plagiarism than theft.
almost 9 years ago
Oh no you don't. You haven't played Broforce until you beat it on Hard Ironbro, and there's a secret ending if you do.
Kevin Gardner
almost 9 years ago
I just got into fortresscraft. Quite fun but very long. Definitely see engie-tan potential.
almost 9 years ago
a game made by barney stinson?
almost 9 years ago
@The Podian I think Magni's "I'm so sorry friend." was a bit less sincere.
almost 9 years ago
Priest is now a class I want to play since he's one of the few characters with a really sarcastic and backhanded "Wow" emote. We will BM as we play or we won't play at all.
almost 9 years ago
To be fair his "My apologies" was the most insincere phrase ever uttered.
almost 9 years ago
@Matthew Martin: That's fine man, I initially thought the joke itself was "WoW" which it certainly is ;)
almost 9 years ago
shoot, i was too slow T.T
almost 9 years ago
In before people saying they don't get it: recently Hearthstone changed one of their emotes from "sorry" tot "wow". Anduin can no longer say "sorry".
almost 9 years ago
I don't get it. Can someone explain this please?