First off, Bastion isn't male, probably. Just an "it".
Second thing, PLEASE FIND A REAL GIRLFRIEND ALREADY, so you can stop with this ridiculous fanservice.
@Jo Pereira: And as to your question of why destroy the bastion units and not all the humanoid omnics, this most likely happened because the Bastion units where the main unit for the omnic war effort, and as such evoke feelings of fear and disgust in the surviving humans.
@Jo Pereira: The difference between Bastion and a Torbjörn turret is that he's sentient, whereas Torbjörns turret just has a targeting system but can't think for itself otherwise.
I beleive the differnce between bastion and Zenyata is that Omnics are made to have personality, but Bastion wasn't, his personality is instead a glitch. This is evident from the fact that Bastion is unable to actually communicate, never made with the purpose of expressing opinions.
@a wild changeling
hum no, his story is that he fell in disrepair, abandonned after the war and someday, years later woke up with no memory beyond his sentience. So now he's just wandering the world with a child's curiosity.
He cant have remorse or anything, he dosent recall what he did
Wait...Bastion is an Omnic though.
The bastion line was a series of tactical defense omnic who were programmed to be merciless and cold, thinking only of the most efficient way to defend their stations. What makes Bastion E54 a special case is he glitched and actually has remorse for his actions.
Due to the way Zenyata is acting I think he actually needs some actual maintenance and an anti-virus check up. Might also want to scan for infected nanites due to his morphing "eyes".
I think the difference between an Omnic and Bastion may need to be clarified a bit, although I'm pretty sure that Omnics have a vastly greater personality and thinking capabilities that more closely resembles humans than an advanced combat AI with some minor personality hard/software.
@Jo Pereira: If memory serves, the Bastion units were basically hijacked/reprogrammed by the Omnics and used as their vanguard, so yes, there's a difference.
Also, note most of the Bastion units were destroyed / disassembled AFTER the Omnic Crisis. Why destroy only Bastion units, but let humonoid Omnics live? Why the distinction?
All over Blizzard page Bastion is refered as "combat unit", "machine" or "robots", never as an Omnic.
There's a huge overlap between the "creates fan content" and "doesn't have even a vague idea of the lore" portions of the Overwatch fandom that I'm totally unused to. Most fandoms I've seen worked differently.
im pretty sure the overwatch lore means any sentient machine is considered an omnic. like the new evolutionary term for them just like homo sapiens.
Also, bastion IS an omnic too, even if he looks like fancy that zenyatta or mondatta
@Jarno Westhof: Actually he is an omnic, the Bastion units where the main soldiers used in the omnic war by, well, the omnics. He does have an AI though his is on the fritz from being abandoned for years. Which is why his AI is set to "love birds" rather than "kill all humans".