@Ellis Warner: exactly. I'll wait for it to be 100% I am still playing GTA nonstop thanks to my group I belong to. (I prefer fantasy but cars are fun too.)
And I have way too many games already and I AM crunched on cash sooo..........
@Nos Rin: I would recommend picking it up, then, especially if you're time crunched. It's short. The biggest complaint I'd say is that it's part 1 of 3, and part 2 is maybe possibly at 25% complete so far. Into the North could probably be finished in 6-8 hours, with maybe another hour for the DLC.
In WoW I hated Yogg due to how easy it was to wipe on it if you or others didn't do their job quickly enough (like the brain phase). In Hearthstone, I actively praise Yogg due to him frequently giving me wins or stabilizing the board.
Jo, you make WEBCOMCICS! Do you Know how big of a promotion it is to do a Webcomic on an Indie Game?
And then you can talk about it in your author's section, giving indie title's Huge Boost's. Hell, there are whole Blog's that dedicate themselves to discussing indie game's. And you can Make one.
Depends on which indies though. Greenlight opened the floodgates to games I can't call anything but shitposting. But I agree there's some indie devs that just make beautiful games, you can sense the guy's passion about his work and respest to his own franchise. It's rare, but it happens.
@Ellis Warner: i've read mixed reviews on that but I like the art. if I had the freetime i'd definetly try it but man, i already have too many games I never play.
Celestian Tales: Into the North is a pretty good indie RPG. A little short, but it has 6 playable characters with slightly different storyline paths. Worth checking out!
Dear Jo.
this is Classic Shell.
Switching from windows 7-10 this really helps me adjust.
Like the idiotic placement of the shutdown/sleep button on default W10 UI.
And as far as privacy goes, eh, I don't really care. I'm not plotting anything I have nothing to hide.