What people are saying about "Greatest Weapon"
Greatest Weapon
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almost 8 years ago
almost 8 years ago
Friends?!?!? What the fuck!!? Is this Pokemon or Friendship is magic or something??!??

It's the Big Fun of co- I mean, Patience... definitely, patience
almost 8 years ago
I don't get people watching Overwatch or Dota matches rather than just play the game themselves.

And since someone will bring it up I don't watch sports events either though at least there is the argument that I can't just go out and play football or race cars on a whim like with games. :D
almost 8 years ago
Nope, its logic.
almost 8 years ago
That Nope-yatta head.
almost 8 years ago

HWGal might have to go back to her natural hair?
almost 8 years ago
I found that the korean pro OW games are pretty easy to follow. They tend to have a blue or red outline around everyone on a team. At a given moment they are following 2 players, one on each team. One will be the main screen and the other will be a smaller screen in the corner.
almost 8 years ago
@Francisco E. Zamorano Orellana:
What kind of thread would this be without user partici...
almost 8 years ago
EnvyUs is a top team right now, so strong and dominant, that everyone else is just fighting for the second place. So they just have more room for experiments.
almost 8 years ago
@Francisco E. Zamorano Orellana: And the audience all leaps to their feet, screaming "SAY IT!"
almost 8 years ago
>>I found following the action on Overwatch super confusing.
Thank god, I thought it was just me.
almost 8 years ago
Yes, the "A" in the beginning is needed. It's an indefinite article key to the structure of the period.
almost 8 years ago
Mhd Ali beat heavier top class opponents by practicing his full arm length punches. You dont do that to pro's because its a slower punch and they're pro's but thing is he realized that meant they would not expect it and had not trained to deal with it. It broke their over-trained strategy.
Francisco E. Zamorano Orellana
almost 8 years ago
I see you shiver with antici....