I hate this comic.
It has a disturbing lack of me.
over 14 years ago
Where's Francis?
over 14 years ago
bill is either a pokemon or a peashooter from plants vs zombies
almost 15 years ago
L4d was good.
almost 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
What is wrong with Bill?
about 15 years ago
Then you obviously didn't pay attention to L4D2.
Oh wait, of course you didn't.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Please, plase: make a L4D / Plants Vs. Zombies character crossover strip/drawing. That would be hilarious! (I loved that plant Bill)
over 15 years ago
I don't get it why you people settle for "add a few perks" to L4D instead of wishing for just a better game.
And everything is more fun when you do it with your friends... Don't treat it like some sort of a mystery-suprise-enlightment combo...
Mouse chu Mouse
over 15 years ago
Thats billsprout >( A new kind of old man pokemon.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15516]@'Ello Guv'ner[/url]: not
Live Grenade
over 15 years ago
I'm sorry, but I can't help but think you took advantage of this comic's theme so you wouldn't have to put much work into it. On the bright side, it was uploaded pretty quickly.
'Ello Guv'ner
over 15 years ago
Oh yeah and before i forget:
Pet Zombie: at the end safe room instead of shutting yourselves in the room, lure another player as an infected into the room and get out quickly then close the door and watch them struggle to get out.
'Ello Guv'ner
over 15 years ago
And one of my favorites:
When the game decides to put you on the other team from your friends but your still in voice chat you can give them heads up on things and just generally play like a noob to slow down your new team, it's fun for everyone... EVERYONE!!!
'Ello Guv'ner
over 15 years ago
In fact, i think i will:
Ninja Boomer - sneaky boomers are the best.
Random/Louis Killing/persecution - simply kill or ignore and 'accidentally' hurt the random player or Louis.
Safe Room Wipeout- set up an intricate trap for the survivors at the starting safe room with all the special infected.
'Ello Guv'ner
over 15 years ago
You guys obviously have never played with a close group of friends and lack the imagination that makes this game last quite a long time either playing seriously or screwing yourself over or screwing the other team over or... actually there is tons to do on verses with voice chat, i could list loads.
over 15 years ago
Angry zombies and shotguns, what else can you ask?
[url=#user_comment_15507]@Westy543[/url]: comments are supposed to be short. For larger rants we'll have forums... soonish.
over 15 years ago
I don't really understand why alot of people always hate on L4D. I find it to be a very chaotic game. Sure, the basic level structure is the same, but the moments in the game are never the same. Playing with a group of friends either in co-op or versus is always a blast. I am very excited for L4D2.
over 15 years ago
One thing I would have liked to seen the Director do is make multiple paths; say, 5 ways to a safe room, but 3-4 are blocked each game (doesn't reset after a wipe). So a street might be blocked one time, or, the next session, you might have to drive a van down it as a crescendo.
over 15 years ago
I'm still having a lot of fun with L4D. You have to play it as a social game, not a zombie killing game. That's why I play a lot of campaign, and almost no versus.
^PS Comment length is too short.
over 15 years ago
versus is VERY repeatative, 1 team go and kill all, second team go and fail, matter of ballnce.
over 15 years ago
Your choice of portraying Bill as a certain plant in Plant VS Zombies is hilarious. However, where is Francis?
over 15 years ago
Jo clearly doesn't spend much time playing versus.
over 15 years ago
I can only take so much of Left 4 Dead. Same with Team Fortress 2. Thats why I find that they're great to balance each other out with. Currently, I haven't been playing TF2, but been getting a lot of Left 4 Dead on. I can see the repetitiveness in it, but its too dern fun for me to care.
Negative Zero
over 15 years ago
Reading all the comments Nerf Now you exest solely to crate Arguments through the enternet for us all to laugh at
Negative Zero
over 15 years ago
I just Like Fallout 3. I didn't Like because it is so detailed that I you think you can do anything but then when you can't it's a Let down. Both Fallout and L4D are FANTASTIC GAMES though-
Edit* Isn't this why they now have commintie maps?
over 15 years ago
All day long it's shoot zombies and carry Bill.
over 15 years ago
i once played on a server where the guys all of a sudden shout 'ITS N***** TIME!' and proceded to kill louis no matter what was going on, even when downed they would pistol him to death. was...interesting to play on.
over 15 years ago
1. The fact that Vs. is limited to 4v4 means one bad apple can (and often does) ruin the game a lot more than it would in a full 12v12 or 16v16 TF2 game.
2. To avoid the above, you need 7 friends who want to play L4D at once. I've never managed more than 3, which is why I stick to campaign/survival
over 15 years ago
To all of you telling the campaign-only folks to go play Versus before judging whether L4D is too boring/repetitive... you've got a point, but... There's two problems with Left 4 Dead's Versus mode. (see next/above comment)
over 15 years ago
If you got bored with L4D, you're only playing campaign.
over 15 years ago
Anyone bored by L4D (me included) should go and get Killing Floor. Yes, it has the same "all levels are the same" problem but it definitely has more enemy variety and weapon variety. Plus the kills feel so much more satisfying, complete with occasional slowmo.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
AH Plant versus Zombies. Great Game finish for over 3 days on the campaign.
Man what a crossover between Left 4 Dead and Plant vs Zombies, total crazy hahaha :)
over 15 years ago
You should make a Tales of Monkey Island reference sometime
over 15 years ago
A PEASHOOTER!! @.@ I really like plants vs zombies =D
never played L4D though... maybe i'll get the sequel after all
over 15 years ago
Copy Pasty Copy Pasty Copy Pasty
over 15 years ago
I was actually remarking during a game of crash course how amazingly deep the average game of l4d is compared to all the other online shooters. the excellent mix of varied special infected and sublime map design causes the entire product to transcend into perfection
over 15 years ago
Coming from a TF2 hardcore fan, I support most of your opinion. I kind of thought the same in the beginning, but I changed my mind AT ALL after playing only on Expert. It's really something else.
I don't know if you already play it, but if you do... Well, I think there's nothing else to say :)
over 15 years ago
I agree
over 15 years ago
omfg its peashooter from plants vs zombies!!!!
over 15 years ago
The only way to play L4D is in Friends-Only games. I have a lot of fun either doing coop on Expert or doing versus.
As for the sequel, I'm not actually that much interested either. Too little is being added to the game to justify paying another $50 for a game I already own.
over 15 years ago
Regardless, its still fun to play with a bunch of friends. Mics (or being in the same room) are not optional. Any other way is boring. It'd be fun if they had more variety with the special infected,rather than just incapacitating or chasing. Another boomer type thing would be cool.
over 15 years ago
Sounds like someone didn't play Versus mode. Suicide-Boomers never get old.
over 15 years ago
Oh my, finally someone who has the same opinion I do. ALL of my friends are like hardcore for this game and see nothing wrong with it they can sit there and play it for hours on end. I can't even make it through a campaign without getting bored.
over 15 years ago
It's easy to blame your team when you don't win, but that doesn't make TF2 repetitive. All games can be simplified to "either you win or lose".
Every game is different because of how the classes interact and how they accomplish a goal. TF2 has a ton of replay value because of that.
over 15 years ago
Peashooter Bill is great. I love Plants vs. Zombies. It's a shame you can't plant them in L4D! I know that would sell me on a sequel.
over 15 years ago
It's interesting to see that someone who really loves TF2 finds L4D kind of repetitive. After all, in TF2 it's mostly the team that matters so if you're in a team full of idiots you can't win no matter what and it becomes a case of "run out, get shot, die, respawn, repeat until game over".
over 15 years ago
A Bill sprout? Absolute genius. I highly recommend this becomes prominent in your L4D-based sketches.
over 15 years ago
...If i want to play a PvP game i don't go L4D. I go for thousands of better ones with a better approach (many also by Valve).
L4D, is fun, yea. But it isn't using even 1/4th of the charm a zombie survival can have.
over 15 years ago
"ZSX" should be a guideline how to make:
I don't tie much hope to L4D2, since adding more weapons never fixed any game.
kommo1- The zombie apoc surviv, is about odds. Million dumb zombies vs small groups of thinking people. Its almoust daring your to go for it
over 15 years ago
Nessmk2 - thats the thing. L4D formula seems lacking and repetitive. The zombie apocalypse is repetitive itself, since its only, survive-kill-escape. Thats why the game would need things on the side to support it.
Great example, google "Zombie Survival X". By SKA studios.
over 15 years ago
Yea, versus is how they made the game more ransdom. You never know how good your team is until you open the door of the saferoom.
over 15 years ago
Peashooter Bill is amazing.
over 15 years ago
Yes, this game is so repetitive. Things like this happen all the time:
Even the new level "Crash Course" has exactly ONE change from previous levels: you have to go restart the generator. Other than that, the only changes between levels are -like you point out- Geometry.
over 15 years ago
World 4 Dead? Are you serious koplio? I hope not?
People who say, that L4D is boring, never played the VS mode or played in a public round.
L4D have to be played with buddys and a mic. If you have both, than its the best game ever (exepting HL2).
over 15 years ago
Wouldn't adding in things like hunger and thirst and huge wide-open maps make the game not L4D, though? THe entire point was to take a shooter and distill it down to the base parts. Move on, shoot lots of stuff, special infected to mix it up.
I'd love a game like what Koplio suggested, but not L4D.
over 15 years ago
Also, customization of the character. Looting clothing shops would be a nice bow towards the players, since i got imho quite bored of playing the same characters and would find it easier to bond with a one, that reasembles myself more.
But its easier to make L4D not a zombie simulator, why care..?
over 15 years ago
Things like, hunger, sleep, thirst would be found nice, since you'd really have to loot on your own. No objectives. You can go find a map and look for the airfield, steal a bike and try to make it to the countryside, whatever you want.
And no running zombies, stealth should be an option.
over 15 years ago
@Mouse chu Mouse's "Louis:.." and "Ash:..." photonotes: Win.
Who wants to make the Hunter into an avatar? :P
@Jojje[/url][/url]'s "'I find myself little...'" comment: I think Jo (Is it Jo writing that?) is going through a short time-span of thinking about L4D2.
over 15 years ago
What we really need is a zombie apocalypse simulator, and i mean a real one thats customizable from the start to the end.
Imagine, the game would start by setting the date, time and widespread of the infection. Than you hit start, and you just wake up in your bed. What you do next, is your idea.
over 15 years ago
Didn't even play*
over 15 years ago
To be fair having someone with an SMG in the front crouching is much less effective than someone with a shotgun in the front crouching. The shot gun has a wide spread so Louis is probably buck shotting the back of Zoeys head in each of these panels.
over 15 years ago
I never bought L4D, so I am looking forward to L4D2. Hopefully they will fix what it is lacking.
over 15 years ago
Where the heck is Francis?!
Anyways, I agree. The game needs more variety, although I like it alot.
over 15 years ago
let's getRUUUUN let's getRUUUUNRUUUUUN
over 15 years ago
wow congrats, you figured out something most people did upon one run through the entire game, its boring and repetitive. But that's how they have it appeal to casual players ;)
over 15 years ago
"I find myself little interested in the sequel.
Even if you count the Tank and the Witch, there are 6 different kind of enemies in the game. It's just too little"
What you want is in the sequel so why aren't you interested in that?
over 15 years ago
Where's Francis?
over 15 years ago
You did play versus, right?
over 15 years ago
The hunter pic makes me LoL a little. Makes me wish you played the game more so we might see more comics. :D You should try the new map once if you haven't yet. The finale is worth the time.
over 15 years ago
I must admit, I haven't played a L4D campaign in single player or cooperative mode in months. Versus is just so much more fun. I've honestly never had more fun playing an FPS than when playing L4D Versus with a group of friends on a server with alltalk enabled.
over 15 years ago
valve's trying to implement a bit of randomness in L4D2
they've added some more special infected, as well as a few map specific "uncommon common" zombies, and there's supposed to be random routes through some maps that are open or closed every time you play through
over 15 years ago
Looks to me more like a Bellsprout from Pokemon...
over 15 years ago
I meant PLANTS vs zombies.
Also congrats on having an evony ad which does NOT feature semi-naked women.
Guess Engy-tan makes up for it though...
over 15 years ago
Delta: He's become the peashooter from Plants vs. Zombies.
over 15 years ago
@ Delta
Bill's a shooty plant from 'Pants vs Zombies', another casual steam game.
over 15 years ago
Read up on a game called Plants vs Zombies...
over 15 years ago
Why is Bill a plant?
over 15 years ago
I played 2 campaigns and never looked back
over 15 years ago
What would make me buy L4D2 would be a "dancer" zombie, which we all know is MJ thriller-style. So as we're walking down a street.. "DANCER!!!" And next thing you know, zombies crack the street open and rise up, basically owning the shit out of you unless you have "hypno-bullets".
over 15 years ago
What makes L4D truly great is the Versus Mode imo. If you play in a well coordinated team it's just so much fun.
Snow Storm
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I totally agree with you, man :/ I find L4D rather repetitive as well..