What people are saying about "Cool Girls Table"
Cool Girls Table
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over 15 years ago
Awh damnit... this make BR's looks fools ¬¬
over 15 years ago
"Popular" and "Cool" are not synonyms.
Man Who Lives In A Van
over 15 years ago
Joke may have worked if you didn't act like Rose was a popular character.
over 15 years ago
It took me a while, but I did end up beating him.

...unfortunately, I can't do it anymore, I'm way out of practice.
over 15 years ago
The thing that confuses me is that there already is a character named "Juri" in the Street Fighter universe. Why are there two Juris that doesn't make any sense!
over 15 years ago
Juri is a very interesting new character.
over 15 years ago
"Follow my lead!"
"Go f**k yourself!"

But anyway, it's really good to have a set of pins you really like. I had a few sets, but it sounds like you need a recovery pin.

@ Some Guy: Ehl Oe Ehl
Some Guy
over 15 years ago
I think Crimson Viper is a cool guy and she doesn't afraid of anything.
over 15 years ago
Man, they aren't kidding with the secret boss either. I can pound the main story's final boss on level 1 now, and dear gosh the secret boss is a pain in the neck for me on anything higher then easy.
over 15 years ago
All we need is a little PEEPEE
over 15 years ago
2x Lightning pins > All.
The Planet Pins just kind of annoyed me, especially with all the crap I had to do to get them.

Kudos to anyone who beat the secret boss on the hardest difficulty.
some random guy
over 15 years ago
hey isn't CV in the black eye peas?
or was that claw/vega/balrog?
over 15 years ago
tsu-money got the reference i made in my photo note

Hats off to you, sir :D
over 15 years ago
Slasher pins are great and all, but wait until you face Noise that ABSORB Positive (melee) type Psychs.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15565]@Berger[/url]: Hahaha, the Black Planets. Brokenest shit ever. Also, You might wanna get in some practice with some bullet pins. Slasher pins are fun as hell to use and all, but sometimes you just have to pay attention to the top screen for once. SPAM THOSE BULLETS!
over 15 years ago
Crimson Viper is actually really popular from what I've seen.

Juri though is no telling yet, no one has played her.
over 15 years ago
Wait until you get the Planet Pins.....THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!!!
over 15 years ago
As far as your pins go, what I did was switched pins after one I had was mastered. Partially so that it'd be easier to make some money off the extras, and partially to try out other pins. Also helpful because sometimes the game will force you to try out different pins so it's nice to have practice
over 15 years ago
Hehe... that BR?BR? made my day...
And I started playing TWEWY too.. damnit, how dow you play in the two screens with 2 sets of commands? I died to the white dog statue thing... ;_;
over 15 years ago
BR? BR? You have weapons for me? BR?
over 15 years ago
I like how all the characters in SF4 hate C.Viper for having to rely on technology to win a battle.
over 15 years ago
I don't get it :-(
over 15 years ago
Welcome to Pangya <s>US</s>Brazil!
Mouse chu Mouse
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
SF4? In my Nerfnow?? HELL YEAH
over 15 years ago
Oh, are you in a big disappointment if you wish Joshua erased...
over 15 years ago
The red-haired chick is C. Viper.
The black-haired girl with 'pigtails' or whatever they are is Juri. A new character in Super Street Fighter 4, an add-on and stand alone game.
And Viper is awesome, not cool, so she's at the right table. >: D
over 15 years ago
Shame on you, Captain G!

Who's the rejected girl?
over 15 years ago
I think Rufus is a pretty cool girl too...
over 15 years ago
Fighting like that with level 1 gives you a 215x drop rate and 8500hp (with the right items, plus the auto heal), and let's face it, what can beat that?
over 15 years ago
1x Pig pin
(Huge drop rate increase in exchange for 0 exp and PP recieved, but eventually you don't need those any more anyway)
1x Visionary Blend
(Automatically fully restores and fully cures all status once they go low enough)
Really though, with those you're pretty much invincible.
over 15 years ago
TBH I mostly use pins like Murasume etc.
I just like the way they're used.
over 15 years ago
1x Excalibur pin
(Slash the touch screen produces an even stronger bolt the entire length of the screen you slash, 6 uses 3 second recharge)
1x Pegaso pin
(Attack increase for all Pegaso pins Neku is using, which is all 3 of the previous pins taking the damage they do to silly levels)
cont next
over 15 years ago
About TWEWY pins:
That happens to pretty much everyone, right up until they master the following pins:
2x Lightning rook pins
(Fires a bolt of lightning at the place you tap, 3 shots before recharge each. Very powerful and two combined almost never run out.)
(cont next comment)
over 15 years ago
I usually went with slashing/upgraded forms, uppercut, ice columns, and some sort of shooty pin. And a healing pin. They're easiest to use on the fly, so combat works out the easiest that way for me.
over 15 years ago
haha! (BR? BR?)
Nice one! :D
over 15 years ago
Who's the chick in black?
Captain G
over 15 years ago