@Nos Rin: Not wanting to get into another card game is perfectly fine, tbh I actually started HS a lot later than my friends for that exact same reason. I just found it odd to find someone talk about constant changes in HS when it's a very rare thing. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
@EnragedFilia: I really hope not because any card game didn't do something like that would die off very quickly. New content will naturally buff decks in one way or another, the only alternative is to keep making new decks every set and that's much worse of a grind.
@Tiamatt: I honestly meant video games in general, a-la TF2. But really, I already have magic & yugioh (older stuff, 2007 and prior) so I'm not looking into picking up another card game. On top of that I rather dislike Digital RNGs, and i really cant get into digital card games of any type. :S
While I'm sure the level of hate is justified in some cases, sometimes it seems exaggerated or seems hard to find a basis in reality. I don't know many competitive games where maintaining n a balance isn't a challenge esp. with updates & additions. That said, I'm glad they pulled Purify.
@Tiamatt: I guess they might mean buffing classes, mostly by adding new cards with new expansions and forcing anyone who wants to keep up with the meta to either grind or pay for the new packs. I can't think of a time an actual card got buffed either, but there are plenty of decks that got buffed.
@Nos Rin&Elyseon: Um, are you two sure you're thinking of HS? Because nerf/buff/change wise it's anything but constant. Been playing for about 2 years now and there's been 0 buffs & only 3 times where cards were nerfed. If you guys don't like HS that's 100% OK but least dislike it for real reasons.
@Nos Rin: That's one of the things that put me off of Hearthstone. The other being that said constant nerfing and buffing are aimed at making you buy more card packs and expansions. Plus, everyone just goes with copied OP cookie cutter decks that run on ludicrous bullshit combos.
I could never get into a game where things are constantly getting nerfed and buffed and changed around. I like to find a thing I like and work with that, occasionally trying out new and different ideas. But if the thing I like becomes ruined, why keep playing?
@Jason Turner
Oh good. So it will show up less. However, I offer a better solution:
Make it never show up. Suppose it has 0.1% chance of appearing. That only means +0.1% chance of priest facepalm. And they call it "balancing".
@Edgar Lee: Did you hear Blizzard's reaction? They banned the card from showing up in arena and are now working on systems to be able to adjust how often particular cards show up in arena as a balancing tool.
Blizzard screwed up, but at least they payed attention to everyone calling them out on it.
I must remind everyone that it is common arena card. Do you understand the implication?
It will show up frequently as priest spell card. Now, and forever wasting 1 spell slot for priest.
I usually like your comic but I think you're wrong. For the card to be worth being played a deck in which it fits would need to be a thing and it currently very much is not and in all likelihood wont be.
It's not consistent or reliable enough and lacks synergies at least for now.
In all honesty with Barnes out in the new set I can see some good use for Purify. Barnes digs out a high cost card and you silence it into it's full power