What people are saying about "Princess Trainee"
Princess Trainee
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Halo Gamer
almost 15 years ago
I play halo often, and I find it a good game.I have fully played each game, and here are the main focus of the games.Halo:combat evolved is campain,halo2 is campain,then multiplayer.Halo3 is Multiplayer,then campain.ODST is firefight and campain, and Halo wars is campain and multiplayer.Try them!
over 15 years ago
@Some Guy, i think you meant master chief.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15640]@Masterlegodude[/url]: i lol'd at the scout's mom ragdoll xD the ways she used that rope are supicious...
over 15 years ago
Halo is a mediocre game and it should feel mediocre!

Seriously, I'm with /v/ on this one, for once. There's really nothing to Halo to recommend it to anyone with previous FPS experience. It's not BAD per se as it is just... blah.
@ SRG:
over 15 years ago
SRG: That right there is a Cave Story reference. <3 ILU.
over 15 years ago
I swear I think I've seen someone like the daughter before....
over 15 years ago
Halo 1 was fun...

Until near the end when you go through SEVEN levels of Flood, no breaks... >_<
Some Guy
over 15 years ago
I think Halo is a cool guy, eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
over 15 years ago
The "You are an OP space Marine: Go kill aliens" part of Halo's story is the only thing necessary *to the gameplay*. The game can be enjoyed without the story, the story can be enjoyed without the game, but they remain attached at the hip and it's possible to enjoy both at once. That's a good thing.
Good Ol' Chop Chop
over 15 years ago
That rope was used for exactly what you're thinkin' it was used for.

Yeah. You try and unthink that thought all you want, but that mental image of BDSM Mario isn't going to leave.
over 15 years ago
But... why is she a completely different skin color?
over 15 years ago
Trust me Jo, you're not missing anything.
Makin' Bacon
over 15 years ago
Spy sappin mah comment.....anyways...STICK TO THE AWESOMNESS OF TF2
Makin' Bacon
over 15 years ago
Halo - fun game... halo 2 - fun...ish game - halo 3 - .....missing something....halo3 odst....- HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING.....but...you blow through odst too quickly ON LEGENDARY....sort of a waste of money......so there you have it....buy odst for lulz and a waste of your money...but STICK TO TH
over 15 years ago
*throws Pokeball at Halo*
over 15 years ago
Halo halo haaaalo halo hal-o. HALO halo Halo Halo Halo.
over 15 years ago
Am I the only one here who thinks the daughters facial shape and shading looks a little too much like one of the Mushroom Men?
over 15 years ago
she could either use that rope: for strapping her boyfriend/causal brother on to her back while exploring hell, for reaching hard to get spelunkers,
or for suicide since your mother expects nothing great from you.
over 15 years ago
Halo's story can be pretty deep once you delve more into it. The original Halo's story was pretty good while Halo 2 and 3 kinda needed each other and were pretty much another story combined. I wouldn't say you need to play the first three Halo's to understand ODST. ODST is its own story anyway.
over 15 years ago
I started playing TF2 because of my getting tired of being fail at multiplayer Halo. Might be a skill thing, I'm finding TF2 more enjoyable no matter my skill level.
over 15 years ago
Halo is basically the exact opposite of TF2. I'm not a fan.

Coincidentally, I just started Halo 3 on legendary for my first/only play through. "You are an OP space Marine: Go kill aliens" seems to be the only part of the story that really matters
Don't ask my name
over 15 years ago
I now have reason to watch this ark MUCH closer
over 15 years ago
Maybe she should follow her dad's example and go "Warrior Princess" style.

And about Scout's mom... I can't get the mental image "Scout in drag" outta my mind...
some random dude
over 15 years ago
so is this a different queen wife or the same one from the causal arc but in a different dress?
over 15 years ago
Trust me, don't waste your money on Halo 3 or ODST. Halo 1 is the best in the series, and the only one really worth playing. Get a freind over, and play Halo 1 in coop, it's great fun.
over 15 years ago
I've never played 1 or 2, and I probably never will, so Halo 3's storyline makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever, but it's still incredibly fun to play with your friends (I'm excited to play some co-op in ODST as well). I'd still highly recommend it despite the lack of experience.
D-eric the Red
over 15 years ago
Bro, Halo 1 and 2 work on the 360. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE.
over 15 years ago
Whoops, never mind the question for Oracle, I've checked Masterlegodude post, it's Scout's mom skin

over 15 years ago
You could just read the wikis for Halo 1-3. Well, 1 is actually worth the play through, but forget about 2-3. just read the wiki.
over 15 years ago
So, who is this queen? her daughter had a darker skin tone, so it's not Mario daughter is it? [url=#user_comment_15643]@Oracle[/url]: Scouts mom? DemoMan daughter?
over 15 years ago
I completely agree with your opinion about the halo series...
over 15 years ago
Can we look forward to there being a sequel to this one? Tomboyish princess goes out and rescues her boyfriend? Or maybe just goes out and kicks Bowsers ass?

BTW: Scout's Mom is awesome. Rt-click SAVE!
over 15 years ago
got to agree with French guy, even if it's wrote slightly different, and I didn't saw it that way at first... kind of a double meaning making it for kids and older audience at the same time
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
The Flood = Mutated alien ninja space zombies, so it's pretty hard to take the story in Halo seriously.

It's a good game though.
french guy
over 15 years ago
for your info, in french "trainee" means "slut" :D
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15628]@jurz[/url]: I know what you mean, too bad both of them....
over 15 years ago
It's the fact she says "I used these" as if she set herself up.
over 15 years ago
who uses rope anymore mom? All the villains use handcuffs now.
over 15 years ago
The only Halo game worth playing for the story was Halo 1, mainly because it didn't call for any prequels or sequels, it wasn't over-dramatic, and had side characters that were believable and you actually cared for them eg Captain Keys, Foe Hammer; and there was no "romance" between Cortana and MC
over 15 years ago
"Sorry princess, but your gift is in another castle."
over 15 years ago
don't worry bout the story. i mean, it's a 360 game, so you know it's all play and no depth, ya?
over 15 years ago
I aactually like the Wheel of Time series, SmallIvoryKnight
over 15 years ago
Just get the computer versions of 1 and 2 man! You're missing out on those! But I haven't played 3 or ODST yet. :(
over 15 years ago
Don't get me wrong, halo isn't a bad game. But halo is a bad story. Don't worry about getting lost bro, You don't play halo for the story.
over 15 years ago
Rope, eh? Well, there's no doubt of fetishism there...
over 15 years ago
i don't get it :/
over 15 years ago
Wall of Text..... Ahh! She's reading Robert Jordan.
over 15 years ago
But mom, isn't it a little old fashioned? None of the other girls at princess school are getting kidnapped these days.
over 15 years ago
First :O