@Jo Pereira: just try it, it still in early access and lot of unfinished things.Most ppl in steam said "No Man's Sky with actual content". Yes it didn't have a great graphics or scale that No Man Sky have but it have more depth in it. Just watch some let's play in youtube.
@TeslaCoil: The forced plot forks disappointed me a bit as well in the way they were handled. The whole HURR DURR YOU PICK THIS OR THAT NOW thing, where you miss out on the mission you didn't pick until your next playthough. Plus, I'm not entirely sure if you can screw up the ending that way.
@Pablo Reszczynski: Fuck P2W. If you can't get all the augs you wanted in one run, there's always New Game +. Still think it's utterly retarded for them to be peddling Praxis kits anyway.
have you tried empyrion Jo? i play it now and have a blast with it. I mean you can even craft an Imperial Stardestroyer and take it for a ride to other planet
Mechanically the new Deus Ex is an excellent game,
too bad that they cut out 2/3 of the story to justify that season pass.
It is like if the Human Revolution ended after the first trip to Hengsha.
I would suggest waiting until the inevitable "Game of the year" edition for the full experience.
You better watch a Stream of Deus Ex before buying, as for GS its walking a thin line between Super Edgy and interesting book. Wish the artist didnt draw such cute waifus, really sucks having to see such cute girls end in such sad situations.
Deus Ex is OK, but it's going to take a while before you can enjoy the new augments without bullshit restrictions. Also, most of the major questions are left unanswered, which just screams sequel hook.