What people are saying about "Upgrades"
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over 8 years ago
So what you're saying is Mercy is actually Josuke Higashikata?
over 8 years ago
Fact is that Mercy seem to have only turned guys she's teamed with into even hotter dudes. I'm sure there is a joke in there somewhere.
over 8 years ago
Now I wonder if Mercy ever met Fran Madaraki.
over 8 years ago
@The Cheat: I dread to know... a mecha-tentacle?
Zenhii Strom
over 8 years ago
Does Josu read cyanide and happiness? Reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W09ltuxt3rI which was uploaded the day before this (not suggesting anything, just thought it was a funny coincidence).
over 8 years ago
Hmm, Teutonic origins, obsessed about upgrading people with machinery and "questionable morals".
Yep, Obersturmbannführerin Mercy is basically slightly less evil version of Wilhelm Strasse.
over 8 years ago
@The Cheat onion octopus of course
over 8 years ago
Now I'll be able to mount Tracer, if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
over 8 years ago
What would Mercy turn Jo into?
over 8 years ago
Based purely on this Mercy is ether an omnic terrorist to-be, incredibly sadistic, or both. Then again, the only way to get a montage worthy POTG as mercy is by letting your team die. Or by killing 2 people by yourself without dieing
over 8 years ago
The way shes turning every one into machines like that. Are we sure she's not working for the BBC on a new Cyberman design?
over 8 years ago
From what I've seen I'm surprised she didn't turn Pharah into... something else.
over 8 years ago
Looks like she's making Wily's Robot Master's minions
over 8 years ago
@HolyDanna: I'm about 99% sure they were referencing the 6 million dollar man (the whole "we can rebuild him" bit was in the opening credits, if I remember correctly)
over 8 years ago
@HolyDanna: that actually works really well too haha
and whats up with my account name. thought i had a different account but i guess one through facebook works too
over 8 years ago
Stop Jo. Just stop. lol.
You guys in the comment section.... lol
over 8 years ago
@Daniel \uc0c1\uc6b0 Shim: Do you mean we could make them Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger ?
And don't forget that more than ever, hour after, our work is never over !
over 8 years ago
...I wanna see those cyber-waifus you mentioned...
over 8 years ago
heroes never die. we can rebuild them. We have the technology. We can make them better than they were. Better, stronger, faster.