What people are saying about "Disappointment"
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over 8 years ago
Am I still allowed to LIKE No Man's Sky, even though I recognize it for what it is, never got into the hype, and understand the clusterfuck surrounding it and its fans?
over 8 years ago
@Censuur: First off I love how you ignored every argument. Secondly, bullshit. You offer massive claims but nothing to back it up. The progress is going smoothly. Is there some rule of the universe that no matter what games have to have prequels to be good? Also does freelancer not exist now?
over 8 years ago
@Brendan Kress: You don't see, or is it that you choose willful ignorance? Games with great scope invariably fail, especially when that scope comes out of bloody nowhere, games with large scope, successful ones at that, are all built from previous success, not blind ambition.
over 8 years ago
Yea...I'm going to need that flunk thing elaborated on.
over 8 years ago
@Censuur: First off all I dont see how those have anything to do with it, secondly the scope of the game varies wildly, as I have said games while rival star citizen in scope start out with hundreds of millions of dollars. A notorious flunk? Hes the father of space sims lmao
over 8 years ago
Oh my god demoman emblems on Morgans jacket?
I'm so glad Jo hasn't forgotten about TF2 already :'D
over 8 years ago
@Brendan Kress: Uhuh, and what about Breeding Season then buddy? Or Broken age, or any of the plethora of projects that get far more money than they know what to do with, only to fail miserably at their initial intentions. Not to mention that the guy behind SC is a notorious flunk.
over 8 years ago
@???: P2. why they are getting so much money is because they know what to do with it. Its very clear to anyone closely following it that it IS coming together and the teams passion for it is very self evident. Games similar to the scale of Star Citizen start out with much more than 124m
over 8 years ago
@???:P1. Not at all, if you play the current build its very clear that despite the feature creep the game is coming together. Its not just adding new things and keeping its quality, massive leaps are being made towards coherency. As for shutting off the money flow, why should they? The reason
over 8 years ago
@Brendan Kress: Except it doesn't negate the feature creep. The fact they didn't shut off the money flow presents a dangerous precedent, simply because it removes any sense of restraint. The game looks like it's losing coherency.
over 8 years ago
@???: The product split was intended from the very beginning, and no-one could give two shits about MN9
over 8 years ago
ambition and features in the game, it will be completed as per Roberts vision. Sorry for the massive wall of text but a lot of people have the idea that it will never be finished or is a scam so I thought I would head it off before it happens
over 8 years ago
Easily observable, and if they were they would have done it a long time ago and not be setting up features that require a lot more work to be remotely usable. If the game will be good or not that is up to the person, but it is blatantly obvious that at the very least, even with the massive
over 8 years ago
Citizen allows everyone to test exactly what is getting done. It is very clear that the game is progressing greatly and becoming more coherent, no matter what anyone says about feature creep. As for them releasing just a broken and not done version, first of all chris's passion about the game is
over 8 years ago
Regardless of speed, star citizen currently has the funding and team of an AAA without the demands of a publisher or need to appeal to a certain market audience. It will take a long time definitely but it is clearly progressing. Unlike no mans sky or many of the other kick-starter projects Star
over 8 years ago
Well, There's always Elite Dangerous
over 8 years ago
Also, Jo, Star Citizen as such is a multiplayer game, it only gets another whole game as a singleplayer "mode". And for MP games, that level of content and options does make sense, consider EVE: https://eve-guides.fr/images/wtd.jpg Star Citizen aims to do a similar thing, only more simulated.
over 8 years ago
the PU was done a while ago, and considering there will be three Sq42 games which aren't even small, it makes sense from a sales perspective. Most of the needed technology is already roughly done, at least, and while the instancing still isn't there, but PU release is a few years out by any account.
over 8 years ago
Due to my Organization negotiation a tour, I actually had a chance to visit the foundry 42 studio of CiG. I can't say anything that wasn't in the latest AtV because of NDA (we saw the modular satellite stuff being made, for example), and they seem fairly on top of things. Splitting Squadron 42 and..
over 8 years ago
It's sad... so sad... it's a sad sad situation...
over 8 years ago
Turns out, Morgan was quite right to think she shouldn't let herself get hyped.
Just such a shame she didn't listen to her instincts :P
over 8 years ago
Cont'd: Even if it is going to be a bitch for me to download (I'm in Aus, so slow internet and relatively minuscule data caps - specifically 200GB a month in downloads and uploads). Last I heard, the finished version of SC is going to be in the region of over 60GB download.
over 8 years ago
Well Roberts was planning for Star Citizen to have infantry combat like that from day one (or at least from early enough in development that the difference doesn't matter) and what they've shown seems promising so far. It could still all fall apart, of course, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
over 8 years ago
Trick is to never buy a game until a general consensus of it forms (NEVER pre-order) and realise that more often than not the imageboard cynics are absolutely right.
over 8 years ago
I learned my lesson about game hype after the PC edition of Arkham Knight. STILL bitter about that. Stayed MILES away from One Mans Scam when it was being showed so I wouldn't be tempted into buying before release.

Maybe in a decade it'll be something beside Spore without the other modes...
over 8 years ago
@Wildcolt: I'm a fan of Chris Roberts' work, and even I'm hesitant about all this, especially after the product split. Mission creep is a real thing, and it's going to kill this game. (They're probably freaking out over MN9's failure too)
over 8 years ago
You know, I found a game that did all the things everyone expected No Man's Sky to do. It's called Empyrion :p
over 8 years ago
@Jarno Westhof: We also have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Granted, I never played that one myself, but I have definitely came across subpar rentals.
over 8 years ago
I don't even get disappointed in overhyped games anymore, I just prepare myself for terrible reviews.
over 8 years ago
What about Cossacks 3? An HD remake nothing more! Ths will cheer her up!
over 8 years ago
Maybe you missed the memo Jo. He's making his dream game with Star Citizen. His past games were amazing and if he holds that with Star Citizen as it expands into other genres...it could very easily be the greatest space sim ever.
over 8 years ago
@Nos Rin, you are probally to young to remember that
but back in my time we has Super Metroid and Zelda
over 8 years ago
@Tsartomat Placeholder: you mean never? XD
over 8 years ago
hey, hey! member when games weren't a mistake?
i wuv to member that!