What people are saying about "Primal Rage"
Primal Rage
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over 8 years ago
Fuck Roadhog with his hook. But yeah, Primal Rage is a bitch to get hit by but an even bigger bitch to use properly.
over 8 years ago
Primal Rage is nothing to sneeze at, it's hard to get into position when you're veing knocked around like ragdolls and much less capture/defend an objective when you keep getting pushed out of it, bith which can buy precious time for Winston's team to move in.
over 8 years ago
Winston's entire gimmick is to be as disruptive as possible. He's supposed to get in, cause chaos and leap back out. Because of this, he needs his teammates to pay attention to when he's creating openings. He also excels at taking out heroes like Genji and Tracer as well as Mercy and Lucio.
over 8 years ago
Hey Jo, have you ever played Brawlhalla? It's a nice Super Smash Bros type platformer fighter on PC, but with weapons (read "stances") rather than fixed moves. Characters there ("legends") have fixed light moves for same weapons, with different heavy attacks ("signatures"). Easier to learn than MK!
over 8 years ago
Now I want him to fight a raptor and eat the raptor's worshippers.
over 8 years ago
IMO Winston should be able to fling Bastion, even in his turret form. This makes sense, given Roadhog can pull him out of it, too.
over 8 years ago
Jo, can you see about having your ad network double check their stuff. Lately I've been getting a lot of malicious redirects from various hivework webcomics, including yours. Thankfully I use a VM (virtual machine) to surf the web with, but it can become a huge problem real quick. *cough* forbes
over 8 years ago
Winston is more so for KotH when your team caps points. When your ult is built up, and your team is wiped, you can ult to delay enemy's cap and have teams be back on time to reinforce. The more time capped for koth, the better chance for winning.
over 8 years ago
Use it to pick their healer or tank and juggle them across the map while your team dives the rest. Don't charge them head-on, come in while they're looking the other way.
over 8 years ago
Well yeah, if you dive the whole team and they see you coming, you're dead. If you try to kill people with fists, you're dead. You get leap on low cooldown, and your punch gets a large knockback; use it to knock people out of position or off ledges.
over 8 years ago
Hey jo , do you heard about Darkest dungeon?
You know i saw your long war comic ?, and i think you may be interested in that kind of games.
Go check it out.
over 8 years ago
Really, the only thing that ult is good for is the knockback. It's lethal on maps with a pit next to the objective (I'm looking at you, Nepal) and can win the game during overtime just by getting people off of the objective.
over 8 years ago
that means his ult does NOT give him 1000 hp at all. He gets 999 hp if he is on 1 hp.
over 8 years ago
over 8 years ago
Winston is already one of the strongest tanks though.

His ult doesn't just give him 1000 health. If he is at 1hp he will still get the full 1000 when ulting.
over 8 years ago
Harambe needs a small buff
Nikolai Kosev
over 8 years ago
At this point everyone have to mind the gorilla in the glass store. And his friends got a shot of regrouping and striking back while your team is busy dealing with the punches.
Oh and pray you don't have winston enraged near a cliff ...
Nikolai Kosev
over 8 years ago
It is not designed to be killing machine. Winston is not a offense or defense character. He is a tank. Maybe more aligned with doing dmg than rheinhardt but still a tank. The idea of the ultimate is to turn the tide of a choke point battle or point hold when he is about to die.