What people are saying about "Note 7"
Note 7
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over 8 years ago
Why DOTA tag again ._. ?
over 8 years ago
As a Korean I can safely say, we don't need exploding cellphones for our Mechs! Because We have the most corrupt military
over 8 years ago
@Beastwolf: and apparently Korea is suffering a baldness epidemic. I wonder how all the kpop stars with their glorious hair is handling it.
over 8 years ago
Those are the Whitest Koreans I have ever seen.
over 8 years ago
In all honesty, 'Detonating your MEKA multiple times in one battle' is probably just DVa.
over 8 years ago
@MangoMaster4: I like to think the meka resistance is adjusted for game balance. She is still the tankiest hero in the game.

But since the thing can fly, I think the armor is not that heavy.
over 8 years ago
Considering that their Mekas seem to be made of twigs and paper, since they can't stand against something as simple as a shotgun blast, it doesn't surprise me much.
over 8 years ago
its a Korean company so this fits better
over 8 years ago
I would had made a Mann Co. joke, but I guess this is also fine.