What people are saying about "Report"
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over 8 years ago
People going all moba on FPS games? Whuda thunk
over 8 years ago
@Wildcolt: If you're not playing for fun, you generally shouldn't be playing Overwatch though. Ranked mode just lets you have fun by giving you players that are somewhat near your skill level instead of the random shenanigans it would be without it.
over 8 years ago
@Jinjo Bytes: Aye.
over 8 years ago
@MangoMaster4: If you're playing for fun, you generally shouldn't be playing ranked. I know, I know...it's a game blah blah blah. But seriously, there are better options in more than just one way. I enjoy playing sniper more than any other role, but I don't play it in Overwatch. Not helpful enough.
over 8 years ago
@KolinarK: And what if you just think she's fun? If you want a serious experience, play with a group.
over 8 years ago
There is literally no reason to pick widow now. Everything she does Ana, Hanzo or Mccree do better AND can actually contest the point/cart.
Did you ever tried to win ranked with 1 leaver in your team? Thats the same, a bit easier, but still the same.
over 8 years ago
wat, on high elo where everyone plays meta, they are even more garbage since Widow is just a weak hero.
over 8 years ago
On low elo snipers are garbage, ofc.
over 8 years ago
@Wildcolt: It can also happen when someone is smurfing or boosting or otherwise intentionally working to subvert the matchmaking system.

And I guess there might still be somebody using an aimbot that hasn't got banned for it yet.
over 8 years ago
And lord forbid they go up against someone who plays the game like it's supposed to be played.
over 8 years ago
Few players play a fraction as good as they think, nor do they coordinate. Overaggressive attackers running ahead of support & defense and getting killed. Defense players playing offense. Support players choosing the wrong teammate or screwing around. No one owns their own fails.
over 8 years ago
Generally people picking sniper can't play a sniper well enough to have an impact. After all, you have to be significantly better than your competition. With matchmaking trying to balance, this isn't going to happen anywhere except the absolute top. And quite frankly, there are better options there.
over 8 years ago
The reportable offense is playing competitive mode and refusing to play with the rest of team, ignoring or trolling in response to everyone begging them to swap to something useful.
over 8 years ago
I don't play Hanzo, but I like him more on my team than a widowmaker.
His ulti can actually clear payloads, and his sonic arrow functions more frequently than widow's ultimate ever does.

Unless your widow player is REALLY good, they'll often just stand around and do nothing most of the match.
over 8 years ago
@Dustin Cochran: I agree, this comic seems to capture online reporting in general =)
over 8 years ago
So in other words, Reporting in Overwatch works just like it does in DOTA2 and LoL. Interesting.
over 8 years ago
Nice catch Junjo, goes to show gamer mentality then and now still applies pretty easily between the two =)
over 8 years ago
One of the reasons I hate playing with people - so much more fun to play how I want with myself lol
over 8 years ago
Gosh golly gee where I have seen this idea before? http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/719
over 8 years ago
sniper = lose? Rarily had this kind of problem :/ Except when the team was Hanzo, Widow and Ana... or the sniper dunno how it works. But if you lose, it's always the fault of the healer!