Finally, someone who shares my opinion on Genji being not-so-viable hero to pick in many situations. I see him only as a stalemate-breaking tool, which should be used only if needed, not as general damage output machine like McCree/Reaper
I haven't laughed this hard at a comic in quite some time.
The imagery and reaction of the characters is just so great.
In my mind I can hear Mercy Screaming "Nooo!"over and over with growing desperation as her scream is muffled by the closing door.
Milos Korac
over 8 years ago
As a League of legends player, i can confirm that all supports in every game feel like this when they try to play solo
You played pub randoms and you got what you deserved.
The real way to top ranks is only through getting your own team together just ask any person ever who played teamgames in a pro setting.
I've been grinding max ranks in a lot of team games and the most important thing I've learned is that pubs, ranked or not, aren't something you should really care about. If you care about being "good" at a game, you need to find a team and start scrimming because pubs just don't require as much.
The general path to "rank 1" or whatever top rank is in whatever game with a team, is to realize that if you play your best all the time and you are actually better, you will most of the time rank up. Some games fuck this up by using a bad Elo system though.
I only just got OW, but I feel you... My placement matches were a rollercoaster... Ended with 5 wins/5 losses of which at least two were undeserved lucky wins. 4/5 losses were just stomps. What is a good teamcomp and coordination anyway? :-/
Jo, by your comment, is this to mean people that know they aren't any good so they just refuse to put in as much effort as they really should in a competitive environment, and "get off", if you will, on dragging down as many people as they can with them to troll the community?