What people are saying about "Bait, Hook and Line"
Bait, Hook and Line
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over 15 years ago
The carrot colour joke is: in World of Warcraft, the equipment's name label is colour-coded for quality. White is store-bought, green is well-crafted, blue is exceptional quality and purple is superb quality.

Achievement points are what sucked me back into the game.
over 15 years ago
Personally, I enjoy WoW, and I do enjoy raiding. Yeah, sometimes it's frustrating, but I still enjoy doing it. Now, I just wish I can get my newish computer soon, so I can play again. I miss my guild. :(
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15956]@HeavyTank[/url]: That's the Halocaust in a nutshell.
over 15 years ago
Oh really? It's all time? With instance lockout timers you can't dedicate more time to it even if you wanted to.
over 15 years ago
it is actually possible to get purple carrots. they are good!
over 15 years ago
:( i just want better weapons but i cant get dungeon drops because apparently no one plays on lightbringer anymore
over 15 years ago
It's actually possible to play with people you know and are friends with, shocking as that may seem.

Playing with strangers isn't a walk in the park in any online game.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I honestly found the old pre-BC 40-man raids to be the most fun part of WoW. People just don't have any patience or appreciation for a challenge these days.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15987]@SRG[/url]: The BLU Pyro, or RED Russian Scout?
over 15 years ago
meanwhile at the 2fort

Sniper: hello anyone there...
-ingis solus starts playing-
bloody hell.
over 15 years ago
I like the purple carrot.
over 15 years ago
Anyone can buy a cake, but if I can get a tiny purple carrot, SIGN ME UP
over 15 years ago
And that's why I play free to play. that and I dont stick aroundlong enough tot level cap anyways.
over 15 years ago
Congrats. This is the 58,349th time this joke has been made since WoW released.
Adeptus Enginus
over 15 years ago
Ya'll realize this isn't entirely about WoW, it's pretty much any MMO that involves raiding, though WoW is the most played modernly.

And yeah, you pretty much summed it all up there,
sept raiding doesn't even give you a jolt anymore either. Newest raid takes 45 minutes at most... fun.
over 15 years ago
I thought the phrase was "hook, line, and sinker".
over 15 years ago
Altaholics unite!

The only MMO that's really captivated me was Guild Wars, which mostly avoids this whole 'Follow teh carrot' schtick. WoW is just too formulaic and uninspired to draw me in.
over 15 years ago
I salute your comment Lien.
over 15 years ago
People that think like that should really get a life...I trust that you're not one of them and are just joking when you say that you must have that dagger....staying sleepless for an entire night to get a fictional weapon is pathetic to say the least..
over 15 years ago
For me it was the other way around. I felt no pleasure in getting level capped. I simply felt like a fat kid who had been running for an hour straight and finally got to stop; winded and ready to vomit. I leveled so I could raid.
MC Raider
over 15 years ago
Pff, long nights.

ToC takes two hours if you're slow.


And you don't even really need rep grinds anymore.
over 15 years ago
Hmmm, by reading from other comments and the picutre it tells me. I would say you trying to tell us that Online Games are temptation and this picture will tell us the fundamentals of a warning of those who are lust for carrots (gold), but if those are diligent then good luck with that.
over 15 years ago
You have those backwards. Raiding is the best part. Leveling is the worst.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
+50 to e-peen

That was a good one =D
Instant Bacon
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15939]@Lien[/url]: Don't feel bad, I don't even play WoW but I get it. :\
SRG @ lien
over 15 years ago
we are all nerds here.
over 15 years ago
Meh, go play another game.
over 15 years ago
Sadly, i had more fun making more alts then going on Raids, tempting at it is...

Is it sad that i get the joke for this? I'm such a nerd...
over 15 years ago
Welcome to the end game that is wow. Imagine sticking your dick in a car door on coronation street and thats what WoW is by the end.

Your skill and knowledge amount to nothing. Your natural talent is nothing. Only the time you devote to the game produces results.
over 15 years ago
No comments? Wow.

Well, sadly I switch MMOs too quickly for me to usually get my level capped. Only done so in about one of them. Still, fun to make friends.
over 15 years ago
purple = magic?