What people are saying about "Free Meal"
Free Meal
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over 14 years ago
Criminal upper
Get outta my face
almost 15 years ago
what was the movie?
over 15 years ago
Like seriously,how many comics go out of their way to do strips about an old school videogame like this?
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_16096]@Jagos[/url]: It's a Final Fight reference...
over 15 years ago
are leftovers, and they always heal you. Hell, even in pokemon, Leftovers are an extremely good hold item that restores health.
over 15 years ago
Final Fight predated Earthbound; FF was released in December 1989, while EB was released in August 1994.

While the Japanese-only "Mother" was released in July 1989, the food-from-trashcans meme that resulted was essentially limited to the western world. This means it's properly attributed to FF.
over 15 years ago
Nice Earthbound Reference. Should have been a cheeseburger.
over 15 years ago
Or... perhaps... neither stolen nor inspired by Weebl, Gumby. Would it really amaze you to know that people have been commenting on/making jokes about things like food being found on a plate in a trash can in Final Fight since the early 90s? I'm pretty sure Jo (and Weebl) are both unoriginal.
over 15 years ago
Stolen from (or inspiried by :P) http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/8+Bit+Pwny+Club+ep.2/
over 15 years ago
I knew what game this was from, do I get a cookie?

Also, nice comic, I suppose this explains the bleak future that girl had once she was rescued.
over 15 years ago
This would have been a whole lot more funny if I hadn't actually seen someone stuff himself with whatever he could find in a thrash can.
And I also love the art style.
over 15 years ago
Agreed! The art is great! keep up the good work, author!
over 15 years ago
I really dig this style somehow. Keep goin!
over 15 years ago
@Hobo Food
Buglers? Did people not hear them?
Worthless Protoplasm
over 15 years ago
- Ness dug around the thrash can.

-Ness found an Hamburger!

Go to backpack, choose "Hamburger" then use...

-Ness ate the Hamburger.
-Ness's HP are maxed out.

over 15 years ago
Hah. Freeganism.
Hobo food
over 15 years ago
2 buglers in my city broke into the homeless shelter and ate 2 turkeys and a ham (Canadian Thanksgiving). By themselves. People were saying it was terrible, but personally I think if they were hungry enough to eat two whole turkeys and a ham, they probably needed it.
over 15 years ago
I see cody kick his drug habits.
over 15 years ago
when are you gonna go back to TF2 comics?
over 15 years ago
As yoyo said, this is a Final Fight reference. Here's a pic of Cody, and there's even some food on the ground (though not the chicken):
over 15 years ago
am I the only one that read "free metal" in the RSS feed title?
for that matter, am I the only one using the RSS feed?
over 15 years ago
Earthbound, Castelvania, Streets of Rage. What else?
Games have a surprising amount of eating food that you probably shouldn't.
Mr. Archive
over 15 years ago

"Final Fight"
over 15 years ago
To all people asking what kind of game is this. It is not a game reference comic. It is more like a point of view comic
over 15 years ago
I also thought of Streets of Rage. It really isnt uncommon in games, so whatever.

Either way, I still laughed. Great comic, as always.
De La Mort
over 15 years ago
I'm thinking Streets of Rage.

Smash the can, get turkey, heal.

Rinse and repeat. :3
over 15 years ago
Earthbound Reference I think..
over 15 years ago
You get a cookie if you knew what game this was without looking [url=#user_comment_16015]@yoyo[/url]'s post
over 15 years ago
I was gonna say Castelvania but its not a pork chop e.o
over 15 years ago
Final Fight, a beat-em-up from Capcom.

In this game and I guess Castlevania, you would find hunks of meat in trash cans and crates. Also, you would find 2 x 4's and stuff to hurt with.
over 15 years ago
Dunno anony, maybe just general gaming where ya find food in barels, under rocks etc.

/Heinlein ftw.
Anonymous Coward
over 15 years ago
Which game / situation is this referencing?
over 15 years ago