Actually, I've been playing it with the update, makes the game a *lot* better. Also they fixed the tiny arse inventory issue. And mining is more interesting now... less of a grind and more scavenger hunt + thoughtful trip planning.
Base building... a game about exploring the universe - wandering the stars - seeking out new life and new civilizations... and we're supposed to be excited about making bases...
boy, they REALLY have no idea what their community wants, do they?
Really, I'm surprised that Hello Games actually came through with updating NMS instead of abandoning it and working on their next project. Assuming they CAN work on other projects, given that their reputation is so tainted. Not that this will save them, of course.
There is a very simple reason why we got an update (that added little to nothing):
The update went live one day exactly before cyber monday to sell more to gullible chumps. It's fucking disgusting.
@Jo Pereira: Yeah, maybe if it had co-op it wouldn't be flamed as hard. A purely single-player game needs a solid story or a compelling gameplay. Great games do both. NMS had neither AFAIK.
Thanks for the tip on "Tales of Demons and Gods". That one was quite fun to read. Sadly the manga is not finished yet, so this is another one to add to my "check this strip weekly"-list.
NMS is essentially a Space Minecraft. Considering I find Minecraft extremely boring, NMS didn't do much to me, and I second the thought of not playing even if they add dancing bunnygirls.
Idk, i like making bases in starbound for example, even though i know i will have to leave them behind...
Btw Jo, ever played tabletop simulator? It is a game i spend most of my recent free time on...