What people are saying about "Care"
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over 8 years ago
I would happily shell put cash to a group of sexy girls waiting on me dresssed as maids I don't know why you're complaining.
over 8 years ago
@Ribusprissin: So a new player has to win 9 matches of a game they just started playing using eight different classes they aren't familiar with to earn 30 randomized cards that may or may not add up to a viable deck.

How approachable.
over 8 years ago
@Frost: everyone gets a quest chain that overall you win 9 games while playing specific classes, and you get 6 MSoG packs for doing it. Not as generous as WotOG launch, but something at least.
over 8 years ago
So is Blizzard going to help people new to the game get into this expansion or is it the usual "grind 10,000 gold, ez lol" business?
over 8 years ago
Please, Jo, just find a girlfriend already.
over 8 years ago
2) I don't like the idea of myself "whining" about 'well, I didn't get special extra treatment' but it's new content and these people are getting quite a headstart as well as extra "bonus" cards on top of what is arguably already worth their money/gold. Oh well, not the end of the world.
over 8 years ago
1) As for those "blessed", I don't know how to feel about it all because I, along with countless others, work steady jobs and happened to not be able to even START our new expansion experience until well into the day/evening, we were not early adopters and experience the bug to get extra packs free.
over 8 years ago
Sanity? Pff. Jo, don't be childish, sanity is overrated.
over 8 years ago
Any excuse to see those three in maid outfits.
over 8 years ago
Now, I ain't sayin' dey sum gold-diggas
But dey ain't messin' wit no broke niggas
over 8 years ago
Wait, didn't Angie had her own job (and salary)?
over 8 years ago
Worth it.
over 8 years ago
Mmm, meidos.