What people are saying about "A Blast From The Past"
A Blast From The Past
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over 8 years ago
If you like Bunny Girls and Metroidvanias, be sure to check out Bunny Must Die! on steam. It's pretty good, and a real inspiration for something like Rabi-Rabi. It even has a unlockable second character with her own abilties, storyline, and new bosses, so it's essentially 2 games in one
over 8 years ago
Guess Jo likes horny bunnies as much as his fans.
over 8 years ago
Fanservice callback is best callback!
over 8 years ago
Soooo, when do we see 1204?
over 8 years ago
Oh damn i remember this one, I even made a fanart of it http://fav.me/d6zomcz !
Good times!
over 8 years ago
Yup, I just noticed I didn't see the last 1. XD
over 8 years ago
@Nos Rin: It's 1191, not 119

@Nextgener: Just change the link to 1191, like this: https://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1191
over 8 years ago
Strip 119 is a lie. Not bunny girl.
over 8 years ago
Zeno Clash. Grotesque but amazing art style (normally I hate grotesque things) Fun story, intruiging, what is this secret father mother hides?! Get to the final fight. Can. Not. Do It. Ah well, youtube the final cut scene. Wait, that's it? That's the big reveal? .... That's not shocking at all.
over 8 years ago
It's been about a year or two since I last read this webcomic.
It kinda warms my heart to see the photonote traditions of "MINE", "POW! HAHA" and the like are still around.
over 8 years ago
Also these https://twitter.com/senpaigamer/status/583210544485781504 , the game is on Steam too by the way.
over 8 years ago
I just realized that I need to add fanservice for Jo to check a game. Well, this is Umihara Kawase official art! http://gematsu.com/2015/02/sayonara-umihara-kawase-chirari-japanese-box-art-screenshots
over 8 years ago
imagine the add revenu Jo is getting by making poeple load two pages
over 8 years ago
We need more of the girls in the cheesecakes
over 8 years ago
Wait, girls were here for thousand strips already? Wow, how the time flies...
over 8 years ago
@Nextgener: Everyone
over 8 years ago
been there and done that, its easy to type in the url
over 8 years ago
The question is, who's gonna go back and find that strip?
over 8 years ago
The king of callback jokes still goes to Brian Clevinger and his White Mage joke in 8-Bit Theater. This is a good second though.
over 8 years ago
Rabi-Ribi is a metroidvania. Not only you need to grind a little, you need to explore places to find power ups and badges, or maybe even easier bosses. The game is ridiculously big.
over 8 years ago
this is one of those strips where you have to cliam before reading it