@Nos Rin: This might be right up your alley. Shakespearian Star Wars. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NKDLGK2/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Star Wars, as always is something I actively avoid because I don't particularly care about the mythos, the characters, or even the setting. I just don't like sci-fi except in moderate doses and even then, Star Trek: The Next Generation fills that small amount well more than enough. Give me medieval.
...Although i admit, there has been some major flaws in the series, mostly, i believe, because sometimes they've maybe tried to be too kid friendly, adding silly characters and concepts, like the Ewoks, which, in my opinion, were the greatest flaw in the old movies.
I mostly love the series, perhaps not so much because of the story per se (although i do like some of it), but because of the universe they've built; it has aliens, cool looking tech, robots AND space magic (mostly the Force), with space knights/mages to boot! What's not to like?
i thought 7 was a fun film. there, I said it. I watched it twice in theatres, once on my own then a second time with a friend and the second time i looked to nitpick and loved it anyway. so ya. mock me if you must but 7 is my favorite. 4-6 is still amazing but, I loved 7.
also I will admit, fun factor, 7 is my favorite. everyone was buddy buddy and it was exciting and I really enjoyed it and I felt they did really well copying and revising old scenes from 4-6. they did it so the old fans would have that familiar feel since they all hated 1-3.
See, my interest in star wars has never really been the movies persay, and especially not the plot or the characters.
What I love, is the tech. the races. the space ships, the weapons. (the worlds are...basic...) But I love it from a world building aspect for table top games. Not for the stories.
I feel like I should remind everyone that the only star wars movie that people liked for the story was IV and possibly also V. Episode VI, I, II, III and VII have all been criticized for being poor in story.
@Ivan Micheli: "Star Wars" and "Predictable" really should go hand-in-hand for everyone by now. Star Wars isn't good because of high quality storytelling, the storytelling has always been pretty bad, star wars is good because of the sci-fi.
If Rogue One is at least half-decent, I'll like it. Episode VII was pretty shit, but I still watched it.
The fact that we DIDN'T get the cast of VII was probably the biggest selling point for me, since the cast in VII so bad that I don't think I could've watched another one with them.
Personally I didn't like it. The rebel chars felt bland and onedimensional, and some of them were quite Mary Sue/Gary Stu. The ending wasn't bad, but the first two thirds of the movie were both predictable/annoying and shot in a too dark and blurry way.
Interestingly enough, Rogue One seems to be incredibly polarising. People either seem to love it or hate it, with very few opinions in-between. Personally, it has done wonders to my expectations for future SW films, after the mediocre Episode IV v2...
Most people I know said that it's a waste of time. Mostly blame the movie for wanting you to care about characters you have no reason to care about.
Personally I don't watch movies anyway, since I believe that their usual screen time is too short to tell a well paced story.
I would say that this is actually a movie created for sci-fi fans, not Star Wars fans. As a SW fan, I'm incredibly pissed for some things, and also hate incredibly forced [spoiler] appearance. Overall movie was well done tho, maybe except shit-tier pacing in early parts.
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