What people are saying about "Everybody Has A Plan"
Everybody Has A Plan
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about 8 years ago
Rest assured Jo, most of the real hardasses are already Gold rank or higher. SF is just the CS of fighting games, meaning that there are no scrubs other than ourselves. XD
And what's your Fighter ID? Mine's Raxyzz if you're even up for training with another "filthy" bronze. XD
about 8 years ago
Have exactly the same thing going. I like fighting games, but I can't play them. Being scrub is hard.
about 8 years ago
I think OW being easy is a misconception. For me (35Y RPG/Strategy gamer) OW allows me to utilizes strategy to compensate for my lack of accuracy. It has more paths to success then CS:GO or SF.
about 8 years ago
@The Cheat: Soul calibur (up until 3, at least) was golden, too bad the sequels weren't that good, at least regarding the story mode and a few other things.
about 8 years ago
@The Cheat: That said, Soul Calibur has its fair share of cheap shit and you'll still get comboed to the ground without being able to fight back.
about 8 years ago
I've find it easier to stay motivated when I'm playing a very atmospheric fighting game like the older Soul Caliburs. Its like, "No, I can't quit now, Voldo almost has Soul Edge! Get up, Pillsbury Dough-Stripper!"

If a fighting game is too meta, winning it just feels like another assignment.
about 8 years ago
But... being in Rookie/Bronze ARE your calibration matches.
about 8 years ago
And sometimes, a little bit of the plan might even survive first contact with the enemy.

Not this time.
about 8 years ago
@MangoMaster4: Yeah, I'll admit, I've never played Overwatch, so I don't know how noob Mei is. I HAVE played plenty of Street Fighter, enough to know that Ryu is DESIGNED to be the starter character. He's got some depth if you wanna put the time into him, but he's the one they expect you to start on
about 8 years ago
LoL, button mashing is the only way I play. I can't activate my supers to save my life.
about 8 years ago
@GratLurking: It is exactly the same, because Mei is the Overwatch pyro. The argument can probably be generalized more than this but because there is no actual real difference between how Mei and Pyro are implemented, the wording is the same too.
about 8 years ago
@MangoMaster4: Having not played Overwatch, the best I can say is this all sounds like basically the same complaints/counters that people always bring up when it comes to good ol' Pyro in TF2...
about 8 years ago
@DarkFlare EX: If you want to play her optimally, she is more complicated than that yes. It was never challenged that she wasn't more difficult than this. He simply said that if you didn't know the first thing about the game, you could always just follow the suboptimal W+M1 strat.
about 8 years ago
Mei is more complicated than W+M1 the nearest enemy. Mei is about ambushing and isolating the enemy. On the subject of Street Fighter, one should really start with Ryu first as SF games are designed around him. You learn Ryu, you learn how to play SF.
about 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira: Of course, the same goes for street fighter. That's Ryu's entire schtick.
about 8 years ago
@MangoMaster4: Overwatch may be easy, but even OW has easier chars to play.
about 8 years ago
I could make a very long series of posts about this, because it's an interesting topic and probably the most important one in game design overall, but nobody really cares.
about 8 years ago
@Ellis Warner: Actually, like Jo, you seem to get have the wrong idea about how games are designed in this regard.

It isn't that Mei is easy, it's more that Overwatch is in itself easy, no matter who you pick. Street Fighter is a hard game.
about 8 years ago
“No battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy” - Helmuth von Moltke, 19th Century Prussian Field Marshall
about 8 years ago
This is me in fighting games except I don't have the extra tentacles to button mash faster.
about 8 years ago
Isn't Ryu the usual basic level Street Fighter? He's kind of the Mei of the series, with everything you need to do most of the basic combat styles. He's boring but practical, honestly.