What people are saying about "Distraction"
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about 8 years ago
Am I going insane, or were the colors on Alek's hair backwards yesterday?
about 8 years ago
Also, Jo, does this strip mean you've changed your mind about breaking the fourth wall?
about 8 years ago
I love Alek no matter what and am glad to see her again, but I must say: as somebody who shaved his head last April and took well over a year to grow back my long hair, I'm amazed at how quickly her hair is growing.
about 8 years ago
good, keep it up
about 8 years ago
That said, I really do like you doing story strips again. I originally followed you because of your storylines, and my intrest tends to be the lowest with your single gag strips. This has be a great low key buildup, hopefully it won't stop once the bar actually gets here
about 8 years ago
Don't worry Jo, she can still get pied with this option, it'll just be more of a cream one
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
about 8 years ago
No one can question Angie's plan, because she breaths through her skin.
about 8 years ago
good fanservice...................
about 8 years ago
Even the other option won, I enyoyed the strip's punchline over the fanservice (not that it hurt, mind).
about 8 years ago
I don't think she'll be taking just one for the team...
about 8 years ago
Wait you're telling me I could have had engie pied. I should have voted the other way in the poll...
about 8 years ago
Engineer disguised as Sniper
about 8 years ago
The only way the fanservice could last forever, is if the other Engie shows up.
about 8 years ago
I wanted both a punchline and fanservice... also, it should be "get your car" and "bar starts making money"
about 8 years ago
*dodges minefield* I'm going to need you to roll a distraction check.
about 8 years ago
@Albus Nix: Technically she's playing the role of Zarya not disguised as Zarya (possibly confusing her getting the role with Anne's attempt at replacing widowmaker?)
about 8 years ago
Jane and Morgan on a shopping trip together? Can't wait to see the hi-jinks that ensue from this!
about 8 years ago
Wait we could've had pie in the face as punchline too? Damn
about 8 years ago
Well you can if you do it right, Angie.
about 8 years ago
Eventually, all of the characters will have the messed up hairstyle.
And I won't have a problem with that.
about 8 years ago
I just got the part where i get Quiet XOF outfit and here u are with the Quiet Angie fanservice...WAH DEOS ET ELL MAEN!!!
about 8 years ago
I am probably in minority, but I would prefer less number of comic strips, but with more thoughts and efforts put into it. I wouldn't mind Jo taking his time with it.
about 8 years ago
Yes, we can only be held for about til Monday, which is when I watch Saturday's strip so I can keep a proper Monday-Friday schedule on this comic! :p
about 8 years ago
I'm confused . . . I thought Alek liked doing Overwatch in the guise of Zarya?
about 8 years ago
Back to the good old-fashioned "Bread and Fanservices" I see