What people are saying about "Gaming Never Changes"
Gaming Never Changes
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about 8 years ago
what's the point of grinding just to get loot?
didn't you pay for the game to play it?
about 8 years ago
....aaaaaaand the exploit was nerfed way faster than Valve did with TF2.
about 8 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: Maybe people wouldn't feel cheated if the "XP" progression didn't feel like a grind and the crates weren't a shitty gamble. Playing ends up becoming a chore, given how shitty half the community is.
about 8 years ago
simply playing the game, seems kind of pointless.
about 8 years ago
I can understand running an IDLE while you do other things, Like homework, yard work, cooking, running out to do an errand. even watch a movie on your TV maybe.
As long as you still actively play the game on a normal basis.
But ya, like, idling just for the stuff instead of
about 8 years ago
There was a time when TF2 did NOT have hats?!
about 8 years ago
(continued)Now you may say that the fun of having lootbox is getting 'em yourself, but that may not be for everyone. For most, the fun is opening 'em. And the point of the game is not getting lootboxes, so is not like you are losing fun by getting it somewhere else, otherwise nobody would buy them.
about 8 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: Well the thing about idle gaming is more like... if you have the option of either not getting any loot boxes or getting loot boxes while you make and eat dinner, which one would you choose?
about 8 years ago
@Raxyz: Not really, no? Assuming I really wanted it, I could just take a break and go again later. It's just a free prize. Why go at all if you're not going to do it yourself? If you're not having fun it just defeats the purpose.
about 8 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: Lemme put it this way. Using your analogy, the water park has a a promo where you get a free meal if you slide the pipe 10 times. After some tries you get pretty tired. Wouldn't you use the mannequin then if it counts?
about 8 years ago
This has already been shut down. Jeff Kaplan did an "I'm not angry, just disappointed" post.
about 8 years ago
Well, I bought game literally week ago and wouldn't mind any free stuff, even vanilla skins ._.
about 8 years ago
Does anyone remember the !givemeall command?
about 8 years ago
@Elyseon: You're not playing, though, is what I mean. You can put my swim trunks on a mannequin and push it down a water slide to say you got your trunks wet, but at the end of the day if your only goal is to get wet then you're pretty clearly missing the point of the slide.
about 8 years ago
@TheMiscGamer: The point is the drop rates are shit and you'd take years or a very deep wallet to get the shit you want. The system is designed to fuck you over on drops and pressure you into splurging your cash.
about 8 years ago
Holy shit, I remember reading that when it came out.
Now I feel old as shit.
about 8 years ago
Pots of pot.
about 8 years ago
I never understood the point of AFK farming. The point is play the game, and if the game is so boring that you'd rather just let it farm itself then you shouldn't be playing it, rewards or no rewards.
about 8 years ago
pffft any they say Overwatch isn't a TF2 clone
about 8 years ago
hot damn what a call back.
about 8 years ago
It could be worse. It could be a "Mercy abuse" server. I mean I get that some people have a submissive streak, but I never imagined there would be people getting off on being the overworked white mage.
about 8 years ago
Using idling in a game is so silly yet so understandable, especially when you consider that people play mmos.