What people are saying about "Moefication"
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almost 8 years ago
CDPR doesn't sugar-coat it's characters (well besides the strumpets in the street)

i think godlings look just fine.
about 8 years ago
Godling says, " ಠ_ಠ "
about 8 years ago
Hey Jo. If you're interested in anime computer card game, give Shadowverse a try. It's like Hearthstone in gameplay :3
about 8 years ago
You should read more about folklore of different nations. As for the Witcher, it is a slavic game based on slavic book based on slavic folklore. Slavic culture has a lot of good creatures that are ugly and a lot of bad creatures which are beautiful, and vice-versa as well.
about 8 years ago
@Beastwolf: Well, they were driven away by mankind and their Witchers. Though Geralt isn't the classic "monster genocider" most Witchers were, they still bear some resentment. See TW3 quest Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted.
about 8 years ago
That's the beauty of the Witcher series. They break a lot of classic cliches. XD
about 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira: I remember that in the game they are mostly annoying, towards Geralt anyway.
about 8 years ago
@Bret Jay: That does seem like the goal of half the fanbase though.
Bret Jay
about 8 years ago
Not everything in a Witcher game has to be fuckable.
about 8 years ago
i forgot do CD projekt games tend to get "modkits"(tools for making mods, like what most Bethesda games rely on now for customers :P) or not? because if they do eventually someone will probably mod it like the Moe-fans want.
about 8 years ago
@Beastwolf: On this very page it says they help people who live nearby.

If was not by that page I'd say they were just annoyances.
about 8 years ago
Theres an entire page of lore for those things you just completely ignored right?
Pfft "helpful "
about 8 years ago
This is Poland, son. Monsters here are ugly, and women are pretty.

about 8 years ago
Jo The Killer Crunkodile
about 8 years ago
@Debowy_Mocny: More booze to be honest.
about 8 years ago
I'm personally very glad that in TW3 not everything friendly is cute and pretty and not everything hostile is ugly and disgusting. I'm sick of these tropes.
about 8 years ago
You know that one of the points of Witcher is that looks are deceiving, right?
about 8 years ago
@Debowy_Mocny: Would you be surprised if i answered "yes"?
about 8 years ago
No REDKit for Witcher 3. *sigh*
about 8 years ago
Bless CD Projekt for delivering us from moe.
about 8 years ago
What did you excepted from Polish game company? Anime?