Haha, what is wrong with me? Why am I always seeing sexual gags in this otherwise proper and PEGI 13 comic? :P
over 14 years ago
poor rakk hive, you kill it by claiming its virginity. :(
almost 15 years ago
This was just a normal rakk with huge feet. Just spammed my best shotgun at it's face and it died quickly, since they're extremely weak agains shotgun fire.
Btw, this is my first comment on this site. The comics are amazing and very funny, congratulations (:
almost 15 years ago
Come back during Playthough 2.5.
This thing gets its (slightly more) challenge then. XD
plus it looks cooler.
Sendo Roba
about 15 years ago
just took him out. Same reaction pannel for pannel
about 15 years ago
Yeah...this is about how it went for me. The thing should be faster, and try harder to stop on you. Instead it just stomps all over the place and shoots crappy rakks around...disappointing.
Also, the final boss had a scarier vagina face.
Wealthy Hobo
over 15 years ago
Whoever said that this thing is asking whether or not it's "KAWAII," Here's My answer: If you look like a triceratops with a mouth reminiscent of the female genitalia, you are NOT kawaii.
over 15 years ago
I still say that thing looks like a giant vigina monster...
over 15 years ago
Punched it to death with a single use. But this can be said for all, except the last, bosses.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_16948]@CosmicKirby[/url]: You havnt play any of ICO's games have you?
over 15 years ago
Oh lols, just fought this thing yesterday. They really should have made this thing shoot fire or something, because it was way too easy.
The Weasel
over 15 years ago
I want to try and melee him to death with Brick...
over 15 years ago
This fight was dissapont.
I don't know if you were supposed to be in the ditch... but I was walking towards the area and i got the cutscene on a cliff. I could run out of the zone! I had nothing obligating me to stand around if I had trouble... too bad I didn't QQ
over 15 years ago
I had two level 50s and a 42 in watching me fight this thing for lols; the thing that bothered me was the EXPERIENCED KAMIKAZE Rakks. How do you get kamikaze experience? Also, my MG for this was 151 mag size... fun times.
over 15 years ago
Game is good handsdown but damn...
When I saw that thing I was like..
Hit the weak point for massive damage!
over 15 years ago
There is a cliff you can fight it from...just spray the head w/ whatever weapons you have. Never got stomped on, and had cover to duck behind and used to bottleneck the rakk
P.S. Eyes are weak spot...
over 15 years ago
But I have to say, some of the glitches kinda kill it. Trespass makes most fights retardedly easy, too, making me think Hunters are probably the most imbalanced class in the game.
over 15 years ago
Going through this on Playthrough 2 on my hunter... was very, very disappointing. Damn thing stood there while I unloaded into it. I'm thinking they didn't flesh out the AI for characters who weren't easily pathed to. This is why WoW has evades.
Borderlands is overall an enjoyable experience.
over 15 years ago
(says the ugly Rhino Vagina..)
over 15 years ago
i havent played borderlands yet.. so when i first saw this i thought...
over 15 years ago
I wonder if there's an occasional glitch or something that breaks that boss' AI. When my hunter buddy and I took him on, the only reason we were able to get by is because he would occasionally change targets so the guy he was thrashing previously would have a change to recharge shields.
Fuck you
over 15 years ago
If you play this with three others it isn't fucking easy. He's got tons of health, and his stomps and piss can annihilate you in one blow really ._. the only sad thing is that you can't die... because the new-u station allows you to go directly into combat while your friends still fight him
over 15 years ago
Is this commenting on a bug or something? I fought it a couple of hours ago and other than to shoot a big laser thing it never stopped trying to charge me down.
over 15 years ago
ya i got to kill this with friends last night and thats how i felt.. just sorta stood there shooting it with fire rockets till it fell over.. was kinda sad as i to expected more.
over 15 years ago
Attack it's weak point for 2 minutes for Massive Damage!
over 15 years ago
Don't know about you guys but i'm liking this Borderland arc! Needs more Siren.
over 15 years ago
No. I did it at level 1
over 15 years ago
I defeated Skagzilla when i was lvl 8. am i awesome?
over 15 years ago
The bigger they are the harder they fall
over 15 years ago
yea that is so true. i was a little disappointed too :/
over 15 years ago
You know. when i first saw this thing, i was with an over leveled friend. But i still looked for the biggest cropping of rocks i could find. and slipped behind them happily. all the while spraying revolver rounds into the air. DX
over 15 years ago
Awesome shit, mouse. :D
over 15 years ago
A shame it isn't like "Lost Planet" was where you had to hit a certain spot to hurt it.
over 15 years ago
Sadly this is quite true :/
I actualy felt bad for the little guy.
over 15 years ago
It's nice to see I'm not the only one who saw the mouth's... uncanny resemblance.
over 15 years ago
I thought Skagzilla was a decent challenge at lvl 21 with a pal.
But supposedly things get harder with more people.
over 15 years ago
isso ae é um Skag? matei um skag zilla, mas ele num era tão grande assim D:
Troll NOW!!
over 15 years ago
You said 'fuck' for da first time! In a comic! In Text!... OH MY PIZZA!
(waiting to hear everyone ta say "see comic xyz")
over 15 years ago
Yeah, I never felt bad about destroying something I love before the Rakk Nest :(
Paper Skull
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
It's more likely than you think.
over 15 years ago
Agreed, the boss battle with the Rakk Nest is ridiculously easy...he barely even moves, and the defender rakks can't do shit against you.
Also, please continue the Borderlands arc :)
over 15 years ago
Variety? In a webcomic?
come on
over 15 years ago
You've gone a whole month with only one tf2 comic, and a gross one at that. Stop with the borderlands and give us a new tf2 arc damnit!
over 15 years ago
I had a hard time with ol' vagmouth just because I play a mordecai, was a little underlevelled, and I don't carry rapid-fire weapons. So the swarms of Rakk kept me busy quite often, and it took a LOT of ammo to chisel away at his health till he dropped.
over 15 years ago
vagina dentata? :(
creeps me out, well, no borderlands then... let me see, when L4D2 out then?
over 15 years ago
*sees first panel*
OH MY GO-- Oh its a monster
over 15 years ago
is that a vaginamouth
over 15 years ago
Not much every big boss ever, most big bosses, tend to ya know.. move.. and actually try to kill you instead of stand still and every ones and a while stomp on the ground or relese rakk.
over 15 years ago
pretty sure that thing is more of a mobile base and is filled with smaller enemies.
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