Is it just me or does that knife's blade look like Ichigo's zanpaku'to?
over 14 years ago
n/m -- the Soylent Green ending.
over 14 years ago
There's an alternate ending to this?
over 14 years ago
I find this love/admiration thing a bit unsettling. But hey, whatever improves the sandwich is good with me... You're a loose cannon, little Medic. But you're a damn good chef!
over 15 years ago
Engie-tan speaks!!!
Hitman Spike
over 15 years ago
Is it just me, or does Pyro-tan have a new hairstyle?
over 15 years ago
Dang it Fuzz now I am swinging my arm up and down.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_17242]@Regal[/url]: Oh god, that poor heavy... Even the sniper's "special sauce", fermented in the jar for several days would have been better than vegemite.
over 15 years ago
Am I the only one with Touhou on the brain?
Mistook the medic for Eirin...
over 15 years ago
BLU team sniper tries to counter by giving their heavy a vegemite sandwich, with disasterous results.
Also anon
over 15 years ago
Nice boat.
over 15 years ago
"With the legs she got from a friend. She can now finally reach the cutting board... and rocket jump."
The soldier is really the black panther and medic is just using him for meat."
over 15 years ago
I agree with Apothecary Takamori. WARHAMMER!!
over 15 years ago
Medic is credit to lunch :9
Apothecary Takamori
over 15 years ago
Come on Joe, WAR40k arcs!
over 15 years ago
personally i liked the previous pyro-tan back from the valentines strip.
PS: i love the frequency of your updates.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I think the joke's a bit weak without the extra image in the twitter. Hmm. shouldn't it be a BLU soldier there then? And that Engy-tan is not from the "main" group, it's from the new group Heavy-kun joined. She does look older, though. And that Pyro girl is new.
Boy Wonder
over 15 years ago
Now if that is the Pyro then I don't think they'll be many people complaining lol.
over 15 years ago
Co4Hble |"|uoHepKu, We've already been over this. the area in TF2 is just like Gensokyo in Touhou, so obviously they're all immortal and the medic is actually 10,000 years old.
over 15 years ago
Alternate ending is creepy as heck.
over 15 years ago
Wow. That's a nice new female Pyro you've got there now. She is a Pyro, right? I can't imagine her being anything else.
over 15 years ago
Love it. Although I've fallen off TF2 recently. I should go back and play some more...
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_17107]@Anonymoose[/url]: Nah, she's probably just standing on a step stool.
Also, QUALITY cabbage!
over 15 years ago
It seems Medic-tan has grown up a little bit. Or has she?
over 15 years ago
awwww, he's making him a sandvich! AWWWW<3
over 15 years ago
What does eggplant even taste like? I've always assumed it tastes like purple. Delicious purple... and evil.
Co4Hble |"|uoHepKu
over 15 years ago
she cooking for him = she is his woman = peadoheavy!
Most Rad
over 15 years ago
You can't have it your way but at least you can have it the best damn way possible. Made with fresh local produce and passion....
Cyclone Duke
over 15 years ago
Wait why did BLU engi join RED?
over 15 years ago
Love the pyro :)
over 15 years ago
Given the gloves, I bet it's Pyro-tan.
Mind you, I'd have gone a different route than punk-biker chic.
over 15 years ago
Wait wait wait! who is the almost naked chick with her face covered?
over 15 years ago
Here ya go:
over 15 years ago
NoseyJohn - Read the archives. Then you'll know about the Medic-tan and Heavy's relationship.
But yes, at least the Heavy is eating healthier. :)
over 15 years ago
Sandwich made with love
oh, and eggplant, extra healing with eggplant
and raw fish!
I'm hungry!
over 15 years ago
Second Tomato
over 15 years ago
The love accounts for the extra HP.
over 15 years ago
From the makers of Cooking Mama, now comes Cooking Medic!
over 15 years ago
What. No one puts eggplant on sandwiches
over 15 years ago
There is an eggplant.
Who the fuck eats eggplants?
over 15 years ago
Someone explain this joke.
over 15 years ago
That's actually a good theory.
over 15 years ago
Well balanced checkbook.
over 15 years ago
Being a woman gives you +50% sandwich proficiency.
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