What people are saying about "The Solution"
The Solution
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over 7 years ago
@Raxyz: Yeah, this one
over 7 years ago
Every time I start to get hyped about the story in a video game, a little voice in my head says "but remember the ending of Mass Effect 3?" This Bioware-induced Schizophrenia helps to keep my expectations low.
over 7 years ago
Hey, Jo, did you play Hollow Knight?
Hey, Jo, are you gonna play Slugcat?
over 7 years ago
Poor mercy! :(

(Blame Reinhardt, he overextended again! 0 skill champ!)
over 7 years ago
@HolyDanna: The DLC one you mean?
over 7 years ago
@HolyDanna: i got that one, spoiler.......just shoot the catalyst
over 7 years ago
Rgb ending? The primary colors ending?
over 7 years ago
So, everyone went for one of the RGB endings of me3 ... Noone went for the 4th ending ...? The one that is, IMO, the only legitimate one ...?
over 7 years ago
I'm not jealous of the poor souls who went through the trauma of experiencing such a deep story only to be bamboozled with 3. I didn't even played them and got pissed all the same, I imagine if I did played it I'd wish Bioware's bankruptcy. XD
over 7 years ago
Exactly. I bought ME1&2 at steam, when 3 was released I decided to take them out of my backlog. Then I heard about RGB ending. Three games, plethora of decisions, morality, branching paths, all coming down to one ending. Your choices mattered s*** in the whole series.
over 7 years ago
Now I lack a truck in the whole ME situation - never got beyond the first 5-10 hours of the first game - but what was exactly wrong with the ending that pissed so many people off? What would've done better?
over 7 years ago
I'm 76 in this. Your team hasn't been doing well, you're on the point, the clock ticks down 10, 9, you hit your ult, you tag one, you get another, 6, 5, you clear the point, 2, 1, MERCY COMES OUT OF NOWHERE "Overtime!" "Heros never die!" THE WHOLE TEAM IS BACK UP "Game lost."

Fuck Mercy.
over 7 years ago
(last) I do think you should give it a chance - but I'm not gonna lose my shit if you don't lol if you don't think it's the one for you that's cool. At least you know your limits :)
over 7 years ago
(cont) Thing is though, I've kept my expectations reasonable - I expected ME1 with a modern engine. That's mostly what we've got. I didn't expect something that would redefine video gaming as a medium and change our lives for the next decade or so :P
over 7 years ago
It's about an 8/10 for me - which is what I expected from it. There's good parts - there's bad parts - there's parts that are ho-hum.

It's like DAI or The Witcher 3 or Total War Warhammer or XCom 2. It's a very enjoyable - if flawed - experience.
over 7 years ago
I'm still salty from that Mass Effect 3's ending. No doubt, the series did enter gaming history, both for being great, and for having one of the most frustrating endings ever.

Unfortunately, it's hard to recover from a failure as great as that one... people won't trust the company as much.
over 7 years ago
ME3 was good but ending sucked so bad, I just shot that blue little s**t.
over 7 years ago
Me too. Don't want to get hurt anymore. And seriously, the new character look really really bad.
over 7 years ago
I'm playing ME andromeda and having a blast. not that far into it yet but already have one reveal on the story. they would really have to have worked t it to make it worse than ME3 ending ^^
over 7 years ago
I am curious about the new one though. maybe one day if I ever finish my backlog of books, anime, and video games.
over 7 years ago
I have MS1 & MS2 on steam, and I originally played the 1st 1 on my brother's console but I got bored in the bit after the first battle where you walk around and talk to random creatures and, eh. I didn't want to level up and get attached to a team mate who would end up dieing on me.
over 7 years ago
It felt like I was watching a better looking version of ME1. It really felt like a new start, but with a main character that was more "Cowboy" than "Hero/Savior." I am intrigued, and the verticality of the jet pack feels like it would be fun to tinker with. I'm willing to trust again. Slightly.
over 7 years ago
I can understand not wanting to be hurt again. Everything I heard about the coming of Mass Effect 3 told me "They're gonna fuck up the ending." I was right. So, I'm glad I never bought or played Mass Effect 3. But watching about 6 hours of let's play...
over 7 years ago
@Vitor Cruz: I think Overwatch just has a higher production value.
over 7 years ago
Jo, any opinion about paladins vs overwatch?
over 7 years ago
I can see that happening way too often.

Anyone want to give Mercy a hug?