What people are saying about "Can't Resist"
Can't Resist
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almost 8 years ago
I keep thinking of this comic
almost 8 years ago
I google her image and that was also my first thought -_-
almost 8 years ago
I've never felt so betrayed from a single comic strip.
almost 8 years ago
There is only so much depth you can make in lineart compared to a 3-d model that has, at the very least, shadows. Second panel she barely has B cups, just like the model, but panel 1 looks a lot bigger due to the cleavage line.
almost 8 years ago
@Mr. Al: Her vest normally has more detail to distract you from the tits.
almost 8 years ago
A thing to remember about Nerf NOW! is that female characters can end up having larger bust sizes since they have traveled to Jo's dimension a.k.a. comic strip
almost 8 years ago
@Raxyz: A Genticle, if you will.
almost 8 years ago

Seriously, though, this bugged the shit out of me too :P
almost 8 years ago
@Mr. Al: http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Ves
Does look like in game she has a smaller bust. But for this comic she may have been required to wear a wonder bra.
almost 8 years ago
@Mr. Al: LOL no https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/witcher/images/7/7f/MR_Ves.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130720235505
Mr. Al
almost 8 years ago
Isn't this giving Ves a little too much cleavage (than she actually has)?
almost 8 years ago
Shouldn't the border on this strip be golden?
almost 8 years ago
Gentleman tentacle.
almost 8 years ago
She's a card in the online Gwent game.
Her ability reminds me how OP the blue stripes commandos are in singleplayer. My endgame gwent tactics were to play all my spies and golds to win the first round, then play all the blue stripe commandos. Occasional weather card for monster decks