What people are saying about "Auto Pilot"
Auto Pilot
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almost 8 years ago
I wondered why my cart didn't do what I wanted, turned it off.
Then did Rainbow Road, fell off umptheen times while my buddy didn't.
Getting last place feels a lot crapper than getting seventh.
almost 8 years ago
@TheTechincGamers Play: I thought about that but... Is playing that way really fun? I'm just wondering if there's really any entertainment people can have that way, but if someone is happy about it, it's fine by me. Doesn't really affect me negatively, I was just wondering.
almost 8 years ago
As my friend used to say, as long as everyone having its fun, it's ok. It's just weird that it's turned on by default. Sholdn't default be normal gaming mode? Like in Megaman9/10 where you have to turn on easy mode that removes a lot of the bottomless pits/spike traps.
almost 8 years ago
@Snoipah: that was one of the many reasons i regraded the C&C franchise superiror
unit limit is dumb honestly
almost 8 years ago
the auto steering (and other casual friendly mechanics) thing only really becomes an issue if you can completely invalidate pro level players by just holding a button. There's a difference between "helping newbies" and "letting newbies flat out crush pros with no effort"
almost 8 years ago
Starcraft only allows you to control 200 supply worth of units. 200!

The RTS may as well be some moba.

Who would want to play a strategy game without strategy?
almost 8 years ago
I like the new mario kart auto steer... why?
because now I can play with my dad again, he's never been good at video games, we sneak the auto steer-aid on for him and now we can play again just like we did in the n64 days :)
almost 8 years ago
@Raxyz: It isn't "one button fest" it still requires interaction with steering and boosts and stuff, as it really just nudges you away from walls and cliffs. It just helps people that are new or people that have disabilities have fun in game. ;)
almost 8 years ago
As usual, PC elitists will find anything to whine about when it comes to games they can't have.
almost 8 years ago
Just when I thought peasantry couldn't get any more casual.
almost 8 years ago
@Zacsi: I don't know, it seems like that auto-steering was more like nudging. You'll notice he hit a lot of walls and just happened to hit some shortcuts on the map. I've never played, but it doesn't seem like it'd work on another map or if the AIs had made some different choices.
almost 8 years ago
TV and games grew closer together again? Soon the things produced in Hollywood will be called games too?
Guess I can call reading a book playing games too. Well of to play that classic game "Man Makes Himself" from gaming company "Gordon Childe". I'm sure it's more interesting than Mario Kart 8.
almost 8 years ago
Okay, I know I made 3 photo notes, but there were just multiple things I wanted to do and I couldn't stand doing only one.
almost 8 years ago
I kinda think Torbjörn should have been the other character on couch (staring somewhere completely else than screen ) :)
almost 8 years ago
I've actually seen a thread on Reddit recently where someone was overjoyed with this feature because his disabled daughter was able to play with the rest of the family and was having a blast.
almost 8 years ago
Wtf people, it's an option. Turn it off. Ever wondered there may be people with impairments who really want to play games but can't?
almost 8 years ago
I think that completely defeats the purpose of playing a game. It makes sense when we're talking about a game focused on story telling (or with any form of plot at all), but why do you play Mario Kart? It's solely for fun, and what's the fun of pressing a single button? IDK, feels pointless.
almost 8 years ago
There's also Winston on that sofa, but it didn't fully fit on the picture.
almost 8 years ago
Actual conversation with a friend.
Friend: "Did you just use a wall to turn?"
Me: "Yes. Yes I did."
almost 8 years ago
Still a slippery slope, reminds me of the same thing that went down when the kinects bullshit was pushed. You could literally just auto win by not doing anything.