What people are saying about "Dead Cells"
Dead Cells
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almost 8 years ago
Early Acces is the biggest scam of our time.
I will have to hand my steam account down to my children and have them hand it down to their children, so my childrens children might be able to play the DayZ SA Beta...
almost 8 years ago
Heres the really sad thing about early access
This is all the coverage the game is going to get.
almost 8 years ago
Hoooooooo, it DOES look good though. Really good. Gonna save the link to it and come back to it in several months when it's fully released.
almost 8 years ago
I think we need a hand check on panel three.
almost 8 years ago
See moral for better food analogy
almost 8 years ago
I will burn my steak to a crisp and none of you can stop me.
almost 8 years ago
Also Crypt of the NecroDancer was nearly 100% done when opened up as EA.
almost 8 years ago
Yep, 2 kinds of EA. 1) It is game already, fully playable as is, priced for what it it is (KSP, Minecraft), devs just looking to add more. 2) Is not a game (or is Unity Asset flip), is priced what devs WANT it to be, devs have not complemented even the basics of what they want. #2 are also Scams.
almost 8 years ago
Side note: Steak Tartar is awesome, provided they use good ingredients. Though there is a risk of salmonella and death.
almost 8 years ago
Yeah. Early Access is one of those things where I only do it for things like KSP or Minecraft, which are basically fully featured already but the creators want to add more stuff. Early access is where games go to die (see DayZ, ARK (which put out a FUCKING DLC IN EARLY ACCESS), H1Z1).
almost 8 years ago
@Raxyz: A metroidvania is a 2d platformer, but not all 2d platformers are metroidvanias.
almost 8 years ago
@Tom Woods: I've no idea how people like raw meat so much D:
almost 8 years ago
I have the opposite reaction. I see pixel art and roguelike I skip the game entirely. Metroidvania *sometimes* get my attention, but I'd very much rather they called what it really is. A 2D plataformer.

Early Access is the first thing I see though. I skip it entirely. XD
almost 8 years ago
As a man who smokes BBQ ribs and grills steaks, I can only reply with this link Jo.

Well Done steaks are terrible!

almost 8 years ago
Grim Dawn is another example of early access done well. amazing game in so many regards.
almost 8 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: steaks should be medium well at most. anymore then that and you might as well eat charcoal.
almost 8 years ago
Early access isn't entirely bad but a loooot of companies have abused it or just weren't up for the task. It's sad how many good honest companies still failed. and then a certain shit game got 'release' and people eat it up even though they removed more content at release. uhhhhhg.
almost 8 years ago
Some games I don't mind playing through early access. Like crafting games. A lot of them still release content after release. a lot of free roam or match based games are fine for that. But ya, storyline based stuff you gotta wait for the full game.
almost 8 years ago
Agreed; I don't dislike EA - I just don't have the time to test it and contribute to the development anymore.
almost 8 years ago
i don't think Jo sees EA as a sign of failure, i think he just prefers to Enjoy his three course meal on his own time, instead of having the cooks serve him a third of the course at breakfast lunch and dinner each. (might be a bad analogy? i think it gets the point across at least...)
almost 8 years ago
@Nightarix actually that's a very good point. Can't think of any non-sandbox early access games that didn't fail, off the top of my head.

Something else I thought about: preference is subjective. We have so many differing subjective opinions, yet we choose to debate food (which is VERY subjectiv
almost 8 years ago
@George Leung: to be fair Kerbal Space Program is mostly a sandbox, so EA doesn't impact it as much.
almost 8 years ago
Oh, and I have my steak medium well, for those who are concerned.
almost 8 years ago
I don't understand why some people think early access is a sign of failure. KSP, Prison Architect, Factorio, Minecraft, Slime Rancher, etc turned out very good. The ones that fill ar ones released by small devs too early.
almost 8 years ago
@Hinamil Greyworks: So don't eat my steak.

If I'm ordering a steak, I'm ordering it for me, not to share.
almost 8 years ago
Early access is the dumbest shit ever invented
but people are starting to pick up on that shitty concept and refusing to support it
which is a good thing
almost 8 years ago
"But what someone want their's well done?"
"We ask them politely yet firmly to leave."
almost 8 years ago
Sometimes you have to embrace Early access/beta. Kerbal Space Program is pretty much a good example that early access works.

Now excuse me while I engage in lithobreaking maneuver.
almost 8 years ago
I just realized I didn't actually see Jane in princess uniform in NerfNow...
almost 8 years ago
If you like a well-done steak you should order chicken.

To me a steak shouldn't go past medium, I order mine rare most of the time.
almost 8 years ago
Meh I already have Hollow Knight my needs are satisfied.
almost 8 years ago
@Tom Woods: Agree. Well done steaks are sacrilege.
almost 8 years ago
@Tom Woods: Enjoy your raw meat :P
almost 8 years ago
Relax. Some early access games are way better than others. Slime Rancher was pretty good when I bought, for example.

You just need to know how early you're accessing the game. :P
almost 8 years ago
Bad analogy, well done steaks are a blasphemy against meat.