What people are saying about "That one time at camp"
That one time at camp
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Lemur Zombie
over 15 years ago
Spygas: Embodiment of Gentlemen
over 15 years ago
This one time me and mah buddy keith were campin right. And he didn't know what suck the heads means! It ait nutin bad! it's just bout eatin!
over 15 years ago
Well, if you don't wanna pay for the extra stuff, just download it.Duh.
Also, LOL @ "enchantment?".
Also, wtf does the game stop when you finish the campaign?I wanted it to be like Oblivion, you jusy keep playing and completing missions after the main plot is over...
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_18367]@Devhawk124[/url]: Actually witches are d-...er, nevermind.
over 15 years ago
Not seen:
Alistair: "Oghren, where is your hand at?"
over 15 years ago
personally i bedded morrigan the first time in the party camp, shes like reeeeeeeeeeal easy, the whores in the pearl brothel are harder to bed (like ya gotta pay!)
over 15 years ago
I wish there was DLC.

btw, post it on r34
over 15 years ago
Yeah, sometimes this site locks my computer for like 5-20 secs.

And DLC's all happen before the last events of the story. You can do them before, or after.
over 15 years ago
@locked up: Nope, I'm using FF (for now) and it's fine. Huh.
locked up
over 15 years ago
Does this website lock up firefox for like 10 seconds for anyone else when you first go to it? I like Nerfnow, but ever since the new site design got implemented when I first come here my whole computer locks up for between 5 and 20 seconds. Anyone else having this problem? Cause it's irritating.
over 15 years ago
Paid content... whereis? where?!
over 15 years ago
Alright where is the paypal? U: CAUSE I AM QUITE THE SUCKER.
over 15 years ago
paid content = boooo

over 15 years ago
Morrigan is pretty similar to the Witch of L4D...once you do ANYTHING near her, she gets extremely pissed off
over 15 years ago
So in Dragon Age it is Vikings verus Dragons and Witches?
over 15 years ago
I quite like Morrigan. Aside from being hot, she has an awesome attitude and out look on the world.

Oh, and she is fucking hot.
over 15 years ago
Actually talking to Morrigan always resultet with her approving of what I said... Maybe thats because I like her style :D
John Gobblecoque
over 15 years ago
"And no, there is no special DLC of this page."
over 15 years ago
You had me going there for a minute with the last panel. I feel relieved.
over 15 years ago
Hey you Grammar Nazis, go easy on Jo, English isn't his first language.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_18326]@Arthuria[/url]: Your in the middle of the woods. Sound travels.
over 15 years ago
Pretty much what BobY said.
over 15 years ago
"you startled the witch."

over 15 years ago
The dozens of necklaces thing is a reference to the fact that getting favor with Morrgan requires you give her a ton of gifts, mostly jewelery.

Trying to get favor by talking to Morrgan and takeing her on quest mostly results in MORRAGAN DISPROVES -10.
some random guy
over 15 years ago
that woman is a sandal with a mask of morrigan on it.
the next panel is just going to show a DA spy running off with their loot.
Banana Moose
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_18329]@BobY[/url]: I ? That Site. Paheal FTW.
over 15 years ago
You're missing an 'of'.
over 15 years ago
I have to admit. I hate paid DLC.
over 15 years ago
Think you could let the nonexistent panel "leak" it's way onto the chans? It'd be up on paheal's rule34 in a matter of minutes, and there would be much rejoicing.
over 15 years ago
Lol, but.... she wasnt naked! they just fondled each other in underwear!!!
over 15 years ago
Heavy- I would pay to see rest of comic!
Pyro- Mmmph, mmmph.
Scout- (runs to nearest bank)
Engi- (Too busy building dispenser for heavy's daughter)
over 15 years ago
Sandal had to learn about the birds and the bees sometime.
over 15 years ago
That woman is a spy!
