Yes. It is true.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_18569]@SRG[/url]: Actually, yes. Hitler served in World War I and actually had a stash like that.
over 14 years ago
Is true
the french live in holes
over 14 years ago
7 months later, I gotta point out to Lonescu the following: Rifle protection shields are, according to the article, MOUNTED ON WHEELS for ease of mobility.
Yeah, what you're runnin' around with there is, at best, gonna stop that knife. Maybe a shotgun blast.
That game just... gah. Just gah.
Alex Ponebshek
almost 15 years ago
The weed leaves make you aim better...
Not the ones in game, though. Those are just for show.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
While I agree that Riot Shields (made of Polycarbonate) shouldn't provide the amount of protection as the shields in MW2 do, I think that the shields used in Modern Warfare 2 are actually Ballistic Shields (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_shield), which are commonly mistaken for Riot Shields
over 15 years ago
Yeah, pretty much. I was totally turned off to MW2 by the whole pot reference thing.
over 15 years ago
not hitler, but the one who kick start the world war 1 have awesome moustache
can't you also play as hitler with a handlebar stash in ww1?
over 15 years ago
4. so do other npc troops in WW2 games
5. in WW1 you can take down big ass zeppelin and less airstrike drama
over 15 years ago
2. Defenses sucked? you're not a mindless drone running to the enemy hail of fire do ya? and remember, old COD and MoH have trenches in them, and it worked.
3. Commanders sucked? for long as I remember a WW fps starring us fighting enemies, not waiting for some officers ordering you around
over 15 years ago
It never stop some game developers in making games right? from your argument it's like this
1. Weapon? It can be done, I've played a pc game called outlaws, old western themed fps from lucasarts, and it's excellent in utilizing old weapons (and remember, this is before WW1)
over 15 years ago
So... when will we have a next gen WW1 game?
im drunk!
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Would YOU want to play as the French in WW1? Or the Bulgarians? CAN YOU NAME ONE GUN FROM BULGARIA MR FREEMAN? I THOUGHT NOT.
over 15 years ago
@ anonymoose Couple of reasons there are "no" WW1 shooters. I don't have enough room to detail them all, so i'll summarize. 1. Weapons sucked. 2. Defenses Sucked 3. Commanders sucked. 4. Troops were all cannon fodder. 5. Air combat was pretty boss though.
over 15 years ago
hur yeah
over 15 years ago
Oh! I see what you did there, Zeta...
I see.
You made a Fallout reference.
In a sarcastic manner.
over 15 years ago
War. War never changes.
over 15 years ago
A ww1 shooter would actually be interesting, it just wouldn't be based solely on combat. It would be like Touhou.
WW1 can be made into game really, if you see soldiers modified with trench battle equipments you can imagine a game where you sneaking into enemy trenches and hectic close combats in trenches and tunnels, Like Anzac Vs Turkish Army in Gallipoli Campaign.
here a pic of trench armors
over 15 years ago
I laughed, hard - the third frame is just great :)
and yes, money flies out of people if its a payback kill
over 15 years ago
I don't have MW2, but I have a question about a clip you linked... when you kill people, MONEY comes out? WTF?
over 15 years ago
wait, people actually play Modern Warfare 2 online?
lol wut
over 15 years ago
Weed shirts smuggled across the Canadian border? TRENDY
over 15 years ago
Lol, you're so right, having a riot shield makes you all but invincible..
over 15 years ago
The funny thing is, you get the Blunt Trauma title by using the shield.
The guy
over 15 years ago
CS will only be a good game when they turn the awp into a copy of sniper's rifle, so you cant kill someone with a shot at their fingers.
over 15 years ago
C'mon, it's just supposed to be fun, and it is.
over 15 years ago
He forgot to add the 'bunnyhopping' dual shotgun wielding soldiers in close quarters
It goes like this:
- keep sprinting till you face an enemy, usually when you just cross a corner.
- stop sprinting/just run and jump
- aim somewhere in the neighbourhood of the enemy
- press LMB and RMB
- win
Dr. Taco
over 15 years ago
@Albert Einstein:
You forget the mass legions of Roach-Riders
Albert Einstein
over 15 years ago
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
over 15 years ago
And about ww1 shooters, no smart company ain't gonna risk making a game which basic is concentrated on sitting in a trench for 3 months and than walking your ass 200 meters until the machinegun mows you down ;)
They'd have to invent a really funny way to respawn to make it playable :)
over 15 years ago
Oh God, the moment i saw the middle panel i instantly thought, Metal Slug rebels :)
Anybody with me? Good times.
over 15 years ago
I pity the foo that hasn't been overpowered by the awesomeness of my MOWHAWK GRENADE!!
over 15 years ago
For everyone saying the shield is a cheap tactic...just use semtax/grenade launcher..problem solved.
Looks like you guys are looking for some more strategy. Go looking for the really obscure games. They're often really strategic. >_>
A Wandering Mage
over 15 years ago
Thats what most shooters consit of today.... spawn, run to enemy, die, spawn, run to enemy die, repeat. Hes saying the change of scenery would be a breath of fresh air compared to WWII all the time.
over 15 years ago
Anonymoose: No WW1 shooters? The reason: Because in WW1 the main tatic of war was to jump out of your trench and charge across mines, barbed wire, and machine gun firing arcs. The game would consist of You spawn, charge, die, spawn, charge, die, spawn, charge, die ad infinite.
over 15 years ago
Someone wearing a tactical shield? in real life blast the shield with tons of heavy firepower, in games, shoot their legs
over 15 years ago
Riot shield doesnt work like that. Even in CS. if you got the riot shield around you you would still take damage from rifles and other shit. awp I think would take like a quarter health.
over 15 years ago
so when will modders remake cs 1.6 into modern warfare 2 and give all those begging pc users the dedication they need.
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_18470]@tehspiah[/url] so we get surf maps and zombie games?
wait no dedicated servers so it would be 1.6 but blander.
over 15 years ago
Tactical Shields! Haha. I remember lots of fun with those. We need to play more 1.6 at LANs...
over 15 years ago
to add on: This is going to be like the cs 1.6 days all over again!
over 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_18447]@Tyler[/url], I believe you are looking for the campaign of Frontlines: Fuel of war. You have no name, and every time you die another member of your platoon just takes your place.
over 15 years ago
I did this on the first day that the game came out. STOP COPYING ME (in leave Britney alone voice) lol
Some Random Guy
over 15 years ago
wait is that french john mcclane?
over 15 years ago
AN IMAGE, and AN ARMY, not "a image", "a army"...
Also, TRUE.
over 15 years ago
*Flees the Halo Photo Note he made*
over 15 years ago
Switching to your knife is faster than reloading.....
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Ahh yes....Modern Warfare...where men with plastic shields can survive the onslaught of a million bullets
over 15 years ago
fifth to comment
over 15 years ago
The little French mustache is a nice touch.
over 15 years ago
It'd be great if there was a game in which you were just as expendable as the next power-armor clad space marine.
Oh well, one can dream.
over 15 years ago
Why are there no WW1 shooters? Why! It'd be awesome!
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