The same way Hearthstone and Minecraft got popular. Successful marketing. Hearthstone used the Blizzard name and advertising power, Minecraft used word of mouth and PUBG used Twitch.
A game is not popular because it is good, it is popular because it is well marketed.
@Jo Pereira: Dunno, didn't invest a penny outsife from the actual game access. It's still raw somewhat, but fun. For me at least. For others, mileages may vary.
There is no such thing as "flavor of the month". Lately casual games have been the trend, and those include card games, team shooters and PUBG. Quick to get in, quick to get out.
This is a video game that captures a certain line of sentiment in Western culture right now: Every man for himself, for everything is falling apart. Sort of like how the zombie genre refuses to die off, this is the type of game that does well when people feel like they can't trust anyone anymore.
Camping Simulator is popular!? Turns out there's a lot of campers out there! I'm sure one will stop by soon to tell me that camping isn't possible because you have to move every few minutes.
@Raxyz: The randomness is why it's so popular. Like loot boxes, it's psychological - people like to gamble as well as watching other people gamble and everything about PUBG is one huge gamble. It helps that you don't bet anything besides your time and it's easy to jump in and out of a full match.
I don't know how this got so popular wheres MAG didn't. Stuff like that is completely random... If Battle Royale becomes the new fad though, I'll probably get my time to work on my backlog 'cuz I've no interest whatsoever in this genre. XD
I was gifted a free copy and paid 20 bucks to upgrade which made it worth it.
But the guy who gave me a copy got too far ahead and basically told me catch up on your own or too bad not going to help you, I'm too busy getting further and further ahead while you're at work. SO. :S
Amusingly, Before we had PUBG we had something that, to me, looked far more interesting, but smaller scale.
The Culling.
According to the reviews though, the devs took everything people liked, and did the opposite with it.
"If you didn't got your dose of enjoyment from today's strip please come back tomorrow for a new one totally free. :)" Title of the comic "Promises", comic involving hl3 and pyro update, ":)" I would have sweared that you were trolling us, damn was wrong