What people are saying about "Knowledge"
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over 7 years ago
the funny thing is in some MMORPGs, people actually make REAL money with what they do. but yeah if someone was to invest in a Gamer who plays a lot of complex economic games to start businesses IRL i feel like that would be a boon to the economy
over 7 years ago
Hey Jo rember comic 1317 I have 2 words

Kazotsky Kick
over 7 years ago
@VinLAURiA: Gamers are probably the least consistent and similar group of any hobbies.
over 7 years ago
@slo: They might as well be.
over 7 years ago
@The Pug: Right now all doomfist seems capable of is being unkillable in 1v1 close quarters but literally nothing else. Maybe Meteor Drop combos. So he's essentially OP in the arcade's deathmatch mode and almost useless in general gameplay. It's weird.
over 7 years ago
does Doomfist even need nerfs?
over 7 years ago
A year ago, I would've disagreed. After getting really indepth with the Overwatch community - Christ I couldn't agree more. It's not much the "I think Blizz should do x" but "BLIZZ SO RETURDED WHY ISNT X DONE YET????" when X is like, deleting a character or dramatically changing core game mechanics.
over 7 years ago
You have no idea how annoying this is to put up with, especially when people complain about even the more ethical business practices.
over 7 years ago
Technically you can be a good programmer and designer without knowledge of geography, but I still found it's funny
over 7 years ago
At least she have her priorities clear. I can respect that.
over 7 years ago
PSA: Gamers aren't a single entity or a like-minded group.
over 7 years ago
Well, ackchyually, most gamers know just enough about those things to make a fool of themselves with how little they actually know. SMBC called this "Mount Stupid." http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=2475
over 7 years ago
I will have you know we are not complaining about Doomfist nerfs. We are complaining about Doomfist bugs and glitches, thank you very much :)