What people are saying about "9S"
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over 7 years ago
You didn't finish the game, it's not another playthrough, it's not ng+, you missed on 2/3 of the.. actual game.
over 7 years ago
If you haven't played Automata at least 3 times, then you have not played Automata. Shame on you.
over 7 years ago
About backlog, Sonic is always in the backlog or in the category of games-not-finished.
over 7 years ago
My PC was doing the win10 version of blue screen last year. It was a combo of a bad hard drive and memory. That machine was made for playing Skyrim so yeah it was time to update.
over 7 years ago
Fucking play through as 9S, you pussy. You aint' even gotten to the best parts of the game. Also, Delay your attack to do his Heavy.
over 7 years ago
@Bob Smith: Pretty boy for the girls and guys with alternative tastes.
over 7 years ago
@TheTriforceDragon: thanks
over 7 years ago
@asgth th: It is not really per playthrough. 9S is indeed a major character in the first playthrough, but not always present. The second playthrough lets you see what he was up to when 2B and 9S were seperated, which in turn sets up the second half of the game (which is not just a new playthrough.)
over 7 years ago
@asgth th: From what I understand 9S is a tagalong to the main character, so having him be the main character in play through 2 is meant to throw the player for a loop
over 7 years ago
haven't played the game and know barelly anything so can someone explain why you get a new character per playthrough?
over 7 years ago
You're making a biiiiiiiiiiiig mistake by missing out on 2/3 of the game (not even counting the repeated content), which is like 10 times better than the 1st playthrough. Also you're missing out on controlling the 2nd waifu (and an actual GOOD ending Jo, you like those!), so... your choice.
over 7 years ago
when i first played him, i thought the 9S means a 9 year old shota or something
cause ya know... japan
over 7 years ago
Jo, I hope you're reading everyone's advice!
over 7 years ago
Jo, your computer blue screening normally just means it needs the cache to be cleaned and the disc to be defragmented. At worse, you need an OS disc to do a repair.
over 7 years ago
Nein your not a nine fan...

I'll show myself out also research what problem on your PC before replacing coyld be fixable
over 7 years ago
You don't need to worry about a singe Blue Screen Jo!
My computer use to Blue Screen All the time in Uni, turns out it was the Wifi messing with my Anti-virus.
If it pops up again, take a picture and look up the error code, it could be something easily fixable.
over 7 years ago
1 bluescreen and immediatly buying a new PC? wat?
over 7 years ago
When was the last time you dusted out your computer and applied CPU paste? Assuming you're not using a laptop I mean.
over 7 years ago
Bro, seriously, you haven't played half of the game
over 7 years ago
They should've just made another fetish waifu character and there would be far less complaining.
over 7 years ago
Haha, boy did you just screw up. Oh well, your loss.
over 7 years ago
You're making a biiiig mistake
over 7 years ago
Let me add my voice: it is worth getting through the second playthrough to get to the third.
over 7 years ago
You have a backlog...but do you have a front log?
over 7 years ago
This is a perfectly reasonable reaction to playing again as Whine S.
over 7 years ago
@Nick Dubrowski: It is Brazil. His computer might have aids after all.
over 7 years ago
Huh, I just finished Nier Automata yesterday. Go figure.
over 7 years ago
9S is quite annoying and the gameplay change from hack and slash to boring hack mini-game is also quite annoying, but the things that are revealed in the moments 9S and 2B are separated and the following two playthroughs are pretty damn amazing. Even 9S stops being a little shit.
over 7 years ago
Since when BSOD means buying new computer? It's not like your PC has aids or smth...
over 7 years ago
Don't do it Jo! Keep going! It's well worth it, I promise!
over 7 years ago
2nd playthrough is rough but holy shit playthrough 3 is fucking amazing.
I say only do the bare minimum to get through the story as fast as you can.
over 7 years ago
2nd playthrough is a chore at first, best part is the hacking music transition, but it gets better later. Just skip side quests and you'll be done in couple of hours.
over 7 years ago
Nooooooh, don't do it! It's worth it!
over 7 years ago
You should keep playing. Believe me.
over 7 years ago
Not a fan of Nines then?