What people are saying about "Family Fun"
Family Fun
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about 7 years ago
Destroying your siblings in Video games. what better way to emotionally annihilate someone than to annihilate them in the one thing they are not good at
over 7 years ago
That moment when you realize they're all dumb as fuck and about to get their asses kicked...
over 7 years ago
I'd think Angie would shut that right down...she knows Mario Kart is anything but friendly, family or otherwise.
over 7 years ago
Jo I've been watching your comics for years, and i have to say dont worry about repeating yourself too much, every new comic is still entertaining! If you feel like you need some ideas then reading your old comics might spark something!
over 7 years ago
The look on Anne's face makes me think of Zone-Tan, and her inner voice is probably saying something to the voice of Deathwing.
over 7 years ago
@Connor Staves: @Aaron Chan: She could let her ahead most of the race just to hit her mercilessly near the end making her last.
over 7 years ago
I don't think Annie has thought this through... I suspect Victorie will be getting that shell quite often.
over 7 years ago
I can only imagine the shame she will feel as she reminds herself she's a worldwide famous actor and about to marry her loved one.
over 7 years ago
To be hit with a blue shell means that Victorie will already have been winning......
over 7 years ago
@Hinamil Greyworks
If you're missing those mechanics, might I recommend the 20XX on Steam? It's a rogue-like Megaman-X-like.
over 7 years ago
@Hinamil Greyworks: The only addition of the main series is the slide.
over 7 years ago
@RoderickBR: But if she picked MarioParty, there is a small but very real possibility of her losing even when playing optimally. V just needs to land on random spaces that award stars, or the minigames are literal "draw straws" minigames, etc.
over 7 years ago
I know the Megaman X series had Wall jumps, sometimes double jumps, and Air Dashes. Did they never get added into the main line of games?
over 7 years ago
@anothga: Who knows...
over 7 years ago
@Ivan Micheli: Glad you are in for the long road :)
over 7 years ago
See? Anne's not sour at all.
Or she would have picked Mario Party.
over 7 years ago
Who wants to bet Victoire is SOMEHOW going to win?
over 7 years ago
Hopefully, they'll get to release an Megaman X not too far, the X series seem more up your alley. Actually, mine too. I'll get M11 too, but I'm hoping for an X too.
over 7 years ago
Jo, you keep delivering what is my favorite webcomic. Still following you since... how long? 7 years perhaps? http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/459 this strip here. So, well, keep going! Love your comic, and feel free to try new stuff!
over 7 years ago
and she didn't even pick an entry that allows snaking
over 7 years ago
Feel free to try out new things Jo, worst case scenario there's always the next day.
over 7 years ago
Anne, you know better than Mario Kart, it'll just turn around and kick your ass! With six red shells, a blue shell, and a banana!