What people are saying about "Naughty or Nice"
Naughty or Nice
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about 7 years ago
@John Doe: Zone-Tan appears as a special guest, I'm not building my comic around her.
about 7 years ago
Speaking of Alek, what happened to the hat thief loli?
about 7 years ago
@John Doe: I think Joe actually got in touch with zone at some point though.
about 7 years ago
If you want fresh, why not bring back the other engie? I remember you saying that you stopped drawing her because she's not your character, but going by that isn't zone-tan in the same boat?
about 7 years ago
@zitro: Truth
about 7 years ago
@Karl Casseus - We haven't seen Mini Medic or Kid Pyro in a while. Also, I don't think we've seen Maggie since last Xmas.
about 7 years ago
Hey Jo,
Love the girls and what not. But can I get a Heavy and Mini Medic comic for christmas.

Thank you
about 7 years ago
I really wish I was a customer now, of course I would act nice. Also how much you wanna bet Zone is whistling, "I want to teach the world to fap?"
about 7 years ago
@Snadzies: Considering that Alek is the female version of the Heavy you might not even remember where you are after the first slap.
about 7 years ago
@The14th - as much as I would like to say that people are here to see the complex, funny and at times satirical nature of this comic and because of that they are open to new characters finding relations and growing as characters. I yield to the obvious point that I neglected :p .
tldr true dat my b
about 7 years ago
Well if you really need fresh blood covering keys etc etc. Add a dude. That would agitate a lot of things lol. Also, what happened to the kid?
about 7 years ago
@Snadzies i think it'd be a nice festive cake to get to see the entire cast in santakinis.
about 7 years ago
Dear Santa Jo.
All I want for Christmas is another Alek cheesecake.
about 7 years ago
Alek sitting on my lap?
I'll take the slap 1,000 time out of 1,000.
about 7 years ago
Careful with us Americans. We'll probably want the coal more than the gift.
about 7 years ago
Jo. I Always Enjoy Alek. Always.
about 7 years ago
@Jareth Boyer
Any one could lay clams on ZONE-tan. But every one that knows better, would move to the far side of the planet before the tentacles get them. Dragging the pour slob to the pit of eternal pleasure/suffering.
about 7 years ago
Blame ZONE-tan?

But really I don't think I'd make the nice list if they used any one other then Alek. Being the Female heavy I am a little scared of her.
about 7 years ago
Lap Guy Says:

about 7 years ago
@Kira Fairbairn For the answer to your question, refer to Jo's previous response down below.
about 7 years ago
Zone-Tan placing condoms on the tree was a nice touch. Or was a it a bad touch? ;)
about 7 years ago
also Morgan best
about 7 years ago
What is hard about Alek to draw?
If it is her hair, just do an Anne. Change her hair. tada
about 7 years ago
I'm WAY too socially awkward to take part in that.

@Nicholas Fuentes - Do you seriously believe the fan base would not immediately call for the death of any man/woman/whatever dating Angie that wasn't themselves?
about 7 years ago
In reference to the comment on fresh blood why not add a boyfriend/guy friend? There is a distinct lack of male characters?
about 7 years ago
@Jo Pereira: But you know we like the EXTRA T H I C C .
about 7 years ago
@Raxyz: T H I C C body shape means I can't autopilot it like I do with the other girls.
about 7 years ago
I'm honestly curious as to what aspest of Alek is so hard to dram compared the other characters. Is it the boobs? :v