What people are saying about "Report Hanzo"
Report Hanzo
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about 7 years ago
@Kubax The Blind Salmon: Shimada is his clan / family name I think. Genji is also a Shimada.
about 7 years ago
@Beastwolf: I think it's his clan name or something like that.
about 7 years ago
He can just stay in HotS for all I care. And he can take Symmetra with him.
about 7 years ago
But are we reporting him in Overwatch or HotS now?
about 7 years ago
Is shimada some brazillian insult?
about 7 years ago
Jo should have taken the 23rd and 24th off. He deserves it.
about 7 years ago
TF2 comic when? You make it feel like the console update is a day away compared to getting a pyro strip... speaking of which, if you do do a TF2 strip and have no ideas, you could make one of the girls go to the console version of TF2... and fall into shock at the absence of hats.
about 7 years ago
Reports like hugs but reports