What people are saying about "White Lies"
White Lies
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dirt devil steam mop
about 13 years ago
Are you serious? I am not so sure about the legitimacy of your facts. Seems kinda bogus.
over 13 years ago
The back burner Has fucking air blast now...WIN!
almost 14 years ago
I use back burner... because i played the xbox tf2.
about 14 years ago
The begging of tiny Pyro! So is he bald or Australian or blond or what?
almost 15 years ago
Not EVERY pregnancy is an unwanted accident.
that is...

Not EVERY pregnancy is an unwanted accident regardless of what your parents say.
almost 15 years ago
joking aside, they could have used the condom effectively that one time... but became a couple and got married and decided to have kids.
Not EVERY pregnancy is an unwanted accident.
almost 15 years ago
condoms are for pussies, real men knock them up.
almost 15 years ago
That's the pyro from the babies arc...So...Wait, Pyro's child is HWguy's chef's friend?
almost 15 years ago
now the backburner is all advantage...for people who never airblast!
almost 15 years ago
@Dr. V: Well Ubers do only last 8 seconds...
Dr. V
almost 15 years ago
Looks like that Uber Condom Medic gave him wasn't as protective as it says
about 15 years ago
I love playing against charging demos with the eyelander as pyro. They're all ample and ready to die.
Overlord Fez
about 15 years ago
W00T! glad to see more of the Pyro/Sniper-tan relationship!
about 15 years ago
More people need to realize that the backburner is _not good_.
Even before it was nerfed I was taking on BB pyros 2-3 at a time with the FT and winning all because I could use the poof to manage them.
A man
about 15 years ago
I just figured out how thier talking! thier talking in pyro speak, only its been translated.
about 15 years ago
Chargin Targe gives demos 65% blast resistance (rockets, pipes, stickies) and 50% fire resistance Q_Q. Pyro is getting raped in this update.
about 15 years ago
The back-burners fail is presuming you're dueling your enemy. If you're in the middle of a cluster-butt where the enemy is focusing on the heavies, soldiers and demos that are pounding them, you can usually slip in behind and get one or two people.
about 15 years ago
All of a sudden..

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released.

- Backburner grants 100% crits
- Taunting with the Backburner kills everyone on the enemy team
- Wielding the Backburner enables RCON access for the user.
Sir. Snix
about 15 years ago
ha i always use backburner, i know how to use turnes to my advantage with it i can kill 3 pyros attacking, but not so great against soldier though, but well not every sold is a pro
about 15 years ago
"God even TF2 has riot shields now.... all we need is some throwing knives for spy and we will have ourselves modern fortress 2"

That made me lol so much.
BLU Pyro
about 15 years ago
And Sniper in her 'kerchief, and I in my tank, would soon settle down for a long winter's wank.
about 15 years ago
So the Medic's Ubercondoms are a fraud!
about 15 years ago
Axlion: At the very least, airblasting *destroys* ubers. That alone puts it above the rare crit in my book.
about 15 years ago
at the start when he's got no HP bonus he will die in 2 shotgun blast... as long as u can aim, which is not that hard since he has to come right at you he will fall. Alternatively, set him on fire and then axtinguish him, the targe resist does not prevent the axtinguish auto crit or dmg.
Bermuda Cake
about 15 years ago
I can't stop laughing at 'Cool story bro'
about 15 years ago
Aww, so happy for them, they have a kid. GJ
about 15 years ago
Dalej , I agree with you about the adapt thing :( why, WHY! Did they adapt to the Dead ringer
about 15 years ago
I just found a backburner last night, actually. made me pretty happy since I started playing more pyro recently.

Then again I don't really keep up with much news in TF2 land outside of the occasional update (the war one was the first update I really paid any attention to) so I don't know.
Troll NOW!!
about 15 years ago
O M jone! Then did BLU pyro and sniper get married?! DANG YO!!! We really missed alot with the first BLU team of the fort. Me thinks we might have a story recap with our fav BLU team, which would be kool!

Also I miss this BLU team, alot!
Some random guy
about 15 years ago

"Valve secretly released an update for the spy allowing him to become the spygineer... Combining the dispenser building abilities of the engy with all of the abilities of the spy!"
to combat the threat of now op soldiers and demos.
about 15 years ago
Wait, you are happy that demos with the shield are using less stick bombs? The problem is that now they take, like, half damage from fire. And with that sword of his, it's more in HIS best interests to get close than you, so, it's another blow against pyros.
about 15 years ago
just one tiny little problem there with backburner, ppl are PARANOID enough with spies, you ambush them once, twice, and that's about it since map layouts don't change and it doesn't take long before they figure out where to watch for. (unless they are newbs). So it doesn't improve as you get better
about 15 years ago
I actually started playing last night, most of the time it's been as a pyro ^_^ and I'm even using the back burner... one of the first items I found after the True hit.
about 15 years ago
*FROM, I just woke up.
about 15 years ago
Agreed with Doomy, you just have to become extra-sneaky to use the Backburner well. Use map layouts to your advantage, take the longer paths that let you flank or get behind the enemies unseen. You'll know you're doing it right if your enemy chats "FUCK, WHERE DID THAT PYRO COME FORM?".
about 15 years ago
Bonesaw makes bones be SAWED
ubersaw 25% slowly and only teamplaying not bonesaw killing
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
I LOVE the backburner cause i always get like 5-~ kills with it every life
about 15 years ago
I love the backburner, and am pretty sneaky as a pyro. Feels good man.
about 15 years ago
Holy hell, time progression?! This is insane, yet awesome.
about 15 years ago
My dear author.

You seem to have forgotten how much RAPE Backburner used to be.
For many, many months NOBODY used normal flame-thrower, even after they took away the HP buff.

But later on, the players adapted, an now hardly anyone lets Pyro catch him from behind.
about 15 years ago
Nice reference to "lie to me" you have in the title there :P
about 15 years ago
I've never found a use for the air blast (I know, you use it to push enemies and deflect grenades/rockets) so I've used the B-Burner since I got it. No downsides (aside from the air blast I never use), and if you can get behind someone, extra crits. But that's just me.
about 15 years ago
Why is BLU pyro 'safely penetrating' a BLU engiebase with BLU stickies?
about 15 years ago
PyBro is HERO, credit to team, and good father!
about 15 years ago
God even TF2 has riot shields now.... all we need is some throwing knives for spy and we will have ourselves modern fortress 2
about 15 years ago
I love you, o-mighty nerfnow comic creators
about 15 years ago
Pyro is totally a girl. Her locker has a purse in it and one of the dev's used a female pronoun when referring to her. (I'm guessing she's totally butch though. still, i'd hit it)
about 15 years ago
Because Valve realises that the pyro is overpowered enough already.

Seriously, I say it needs further nerfing.
about 15 years ago
Hey. TF2 Update is done. GOTTA PLAY!
about 15 years ago
You clearly dont have to work with masks.
they actualy dont hinder you that much when youre used to them.

once one of my freaky coworkers went to the showers with one ON HIS FACE - he simply forgot it.

ALSO: PYRO + SNIPER = Q3 RAILGUN / Phosphorus Arrows
about 15 years ago
GreyLink stole my Charger joke on the Charge N' Targe :(
about 15 years ago
there bitching about this on the steam forums.....
about 15 years ago
"Pyro was a Pyho"

Devil Traitor
about 15 years ago
Wow, how many kids they have?
about 15 years ago
The reason why the Pyro and his son can talk clearly is obvious!

He is in fact not WEARING a gas mask, but it is a mutation of his face! And it was passed down to his son. The two nubs on the face are in fact not air filters but his mouth and nose! :V
Lord of the Dance
about 15 years ago
lil Pyper makes me go awwwww <3
about 15 years ago
Try to charge at me Demo, I still have airblast >:D
about 15 years ago
Pyro is a girl? So they are lesbians?! jokz xD
about 15 years ago
The charger makes the demo fire resistant. As a pyro, this makes me sad.
about 15 years ago
@ Meow

It is, however due to a lot of varying factors, actually having a good ambush spot that doesn't get ruined early on due to paranoia is just plain rare.

Backburner DOES need something to put it on par with the power the airblast provides.
about 15 years ago
Yay the women sniper is back.
Lol wall of rage.
Put dispenser here.
about 15 years ago
about 15 years ago
You know, the backburner is good if you know how to ambush. Not many people do that though.
Niels de Jong
about 15 years ago
So! I see the Sniper and the Pyro got together :)

Now all i want to see is the female heavy's and Male medics kids!

Oh: and ofcourse if the red soldier goes with the female Medic, or with the female scout :) you keep us into suspension

*grabs some popcorn*
about 15 years ago
Damn, can someone finish my hmph hmph pyro talkin'?
oh snap!
about 15 years ago
some 'main characters' of the TF2 stories TALK!!!! 0___0
about 15 years ago
It's a god damn Pyper!
about 15 years ago
wait so if this kid from the pyro sniper love arc WAY back.
then I guess two things happen we got a pyro/sniper hybrid and medic brand condoms are now infamous for wearing out in the long run.
about 15 years ago
Im surprised both the pyro and his son were able to talk clearly with their masks on.
about 15 years ago
Nice Story - oh and THE END IS NEAR