What people are saying about "Speed Run"
Speed Run
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about 7 years ago
@Cedric Thompson: Except that it wasn't hacking the game, merely exploiting the game's prediction algorithms. See this video:
about 7 years ago
It really depends on the game. If it is a good game, I would like to see a legit speedrun without crazy glitches that breaks the game. A bad game on the other hand (like Superman 64), it's fun to see how bad can you possibly break it.
about 7 years ago
Also, TAS runs are actually pretty important to the non-TAS community: many, MANY tricks that the non-TAS community uses originated with the TAS community and would never have been discovered otherwise. (See Super Mario 64 low% runs for an example.)
about 7 years ago
I hate Major Skip speedruns, whether they're TAS or not. (I also hate when speedrun communities claim major skips aren't, like with Shadow Complex and Z-position skips through locked doors and barriers.)
about 7 years ago
@nightarix: Hacking the game like that would actually invalidate a TAS. What you COULD do is save state before every question, so you always get it right on your "first" try.
about 7 years ago
The Amazing World of Gumball did this joke once, with toasts instead of pancakes.
about 7 years ago
TAS > regular speedruns, in terms of enjoyment at least. Also it's always great watching all the kind of things that theoretically can be done on the game engine that get showcased on TAS. Go ahead and tell me this isn't entertaining (spoiler, you can't): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjm8P8utT5g
about 7 years ago
@Narwhaligator: games done quick on youtube has vods of the games.
about 7 years ago
I eat my breakfast, which is a protein bar, while taking a shower.
about 7 years ago
She will definitely gotta go fast after this
about 7 years ago
Other than ingesting what would likely be flouride toothpaste and causing all sorts of medical problems for Jane, would her farts come out minty fresh?
about 7 years ago
@Jo Pereira: Yes, you remove the normal playing skill from the equation but focus on optimization. And this can involve very complex math.
about 7 years ago
I can't wait to see Jane's face of disgust.
about 7 years ago
You my friend need to see SGDQ (summer games done quick) or is winter counter part AGDQ (awesome games done quick) both of which are charity live stream events
about 7 years ago
Damn, Jane, have some consideration; Morgan's gonna have to kiss that mouth later.
about 7 years ago
... and come to think of it... if she decides to have orange juice, a common drink with breakfast foods... ever experienced mint toothpaste and orange juice flavor mix in the mouth?
about 7 years ago
Source: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002745.htm
about 7 years ago
The flaw with this is the fact that Toothpaste is actually toxic if swallowed in large quantities... leading to... well a whole host of nasty complications for your bowels. Even going so far as to slow heart rate and cause a potential heart attack. I'm not sure you're gonna be speed running too well
about 7 years ago
about 7 years ago
You can look up glitchless TAS speed runs. Other speed run that might be intresting is zelda link to the past randomizer speed runs, diffrent every game.
about 7 years ago
I see.
about 7 years ago
TAS are less playing video games and more recreational programming.

The game is trying to a solve a series of logic and coding problems under a set of self-imposed rules.

It can be fun and competitive in its own ways, but it's almost a different hobby entirely.
about 7 years ago
or just answer randomly and hope you're lucky enough to get the right answers.
about 7 years ago
an example of a TAS Speedrun trick is making any "Quiz" mini-games accept the first answer as the correct one, no matter if it's right or wrong.(like the Furnace game near the end of banjo kazooie, normally you'd need to talk to her sister in literally every hub to find all the right answers.)
about 7 years ago
@tyler jfk: They are basically speedruns where the speedrunner is using additional software outside the game itself in order to alter how the game behaves.
about 7 years ago
@T: You use a emulator, save states and sometimes other apps to things like pixel perfect jumps and RNG manipulation to make a run no human possibly could.
about 7 years ago
well, thats probably the fastest way to lose all your teeth, so I guess it kinda works in the end - no teeth, no brushing, extra time.
about 7 years ago
I think the fun in tool assisted speed runs is in making a optimized system to solve an issue. Like how people make automated farms in minecraft.
about 7 years ago
What are tool assist speed runs? I've heard of glitch ones
about 7 years ago
Ah, Jane... The biggest troll in the comic, but somehow too stupid to know how this doesn't work.

But that's why we love her.
about 7 years ago
Liking Jane has dropped by 20%
Respecting Jane has risen by 99%