What people are saying about "Speed Run 3"
Speed Run 3
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about 7 years ago
As a man, I *think* I see some signs... that Morgan and Jane are a couple... maybe. Need more clear indications. And photos. Maybe videos.
about 7 years ago
Well, I mean I guess Jane at least knows how to pass the QTE that is Morgan...
about 7 years ago
@Adam Jensen: Was it ever confirmed that picture was from Jo? Regardless, it's probably my single favorite picture since the old straight up porn days.
about 7 years ago
Vargos, don't you remember? They have to be drunk first. *gets games, drinking glasses, and booze* I'll let you know how my game night turns out.
about 7 years ago
When is Angie and Annie gonna do itttt(remember the beach episode?)
about 7 years ago
@Erik Yin: They've been together for some 700+ strips now, but this is the first time it's be outright stated they're doing it...
about 7 years ago
@Erik Yin: yes, they are https://s10.postimg.org/6vzrri821/175.png
about 7 years ago
Well at one point Alek was dating the male medic, so she's either hetero or bi. And Anne-Marie's pretty much just in love with attention.
about 7 years ago
Well this is the first time that they talk openly about their relationship, to this day was all hints (pretty obvious hints). So, there you have it... When is the wedding?
about 7 years ago
@Erik Yin: Only these two! And Angie is at least bi, probably! For the rest, we don't know^^
about 7 years ago
w8 are the girls lesbians? .... no no I'm not complaing,please carry on! *wear my blue/red 3D glasses and grabbing popcorn*
about 7 years ago
Yeap Morgan. The only way to control these idiots nowdays. You go girl
about 7 years ago
@bon bimon: the more the better
about 7 years ago
Wait... isn’t this a 2 bedroom apartment?
about 7 years ago
They are so cute