What people are saying about "Remakes"
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over 6 years ago
But Jo...you can re-use previous content like Angie pole dancing... or the first three nerfnow comics. ;)
over 6 years ago
While the switch will eventually be a must buy console eventually, for now - yea most of the good stuff on it has already been out somewhere else.
over 6 years ago
smash bros on the wii U wasted potentional with the name, could have been Smash Bros Universe!
over 6 years ago
also I still need to beat okami........>_>
over 6 years ago
oh I got bowser's inside story and had some fun with it until I got to a really annoying timing game and lost half my coin so I just reset without saving and havent gone back.
over 6 years ago
i really like your nature balance personally, but i really suggest you to play the game i recommend before, maybe it can help create new idea or perspective.
over 6 years ago

Nothing is every truly original. Inventing fire? No, just learning t control natural phenomenon. The wheel? Thick round tree trunks are almost wheels already. Spears are basically extra-deadly sticks.

What matters is whether or not the idea develops or improves upon the idea. :)
over 6 years ago
If it isn't broken, why fix it?

Nothing's original anymore, right?
over 6 years ago
How could you forget about new NO MORE HEROES!! That's worth the price of a switch all on its own. And smash is a new game, not a port. The south park and dark souls games coming to a nintendo console are huge, 3rd party support after so long. Oh there was some new rpg too! Still lol'd at your comic
over 6 years ago
@Undying3132: 16-bit best bit!
over 6 years ago
I have only seen things pointing to this being a new Smash. Both the "Original game" notation in the trailer, and the "Title pending" you get when you bookmark "smashbros.com".
over 6 years ago
@Tyler Wang: I wish that 8-bit theater will get a remake or remaster. At least into 16-bit theater
over 6 years ago
So tell us, how much time did it take you to make this comic vs a regular one
over 6 years ago
Splatoon 2 Expansion is awesome, more Campaign is great. New Smash btw.
over 6 years ago
Nerf Now just became like 95% of all webcomics.
over 6 years ago
Funny you mention that. There are some webcomics and comics in general that I would like a HD remake of because the original art is just not as good as the art latter on.
over 6 years ago
>Smash port
Oh Jo...
over 6 years ago
Not sure how I feel about the inside story one. On the one hand, it was awesome! On the other, they seem to be either skipping or just flat ignoring partners in time....

Also, smash port or smash new....?
over 6 years ago
For what's worth there's circumstantial evidence that it's a new smash
over 6 years ago
But... new sploon DLC... gotta love dat sploon... I mean, octopus girls... no?... ok :(
over 6 years ago
Holy crap, inside story was my childhood! Why must I wait until 2019? D:
over 6 years ago
@Alexandre Pereira (Alenonimo): That's the general idea.
over 6 years ago
I don't know if porting WiiU games to Switch could be considered "reusing content". It's more like "using content somewhere where people will actually see this time". :P

If Nintendo did that, I wouldn't mind at all.
over 6 years ago
I love how you re-used the same panel three times. Super Meta