What people are saying about "No Favorites"
No Favorites
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about 7 years ago
@Shareazu: Valve devs work on what they want to work on, not what they are told to work on. Valve is also at a point they don't need to make games, steam brings in the money.

Also complaining about copycat but encouraging them to rehash their old IP...isn't that basically copying?
about 7 years ago
Is it possible that because half life was one the earliest story based fps (it is not the first) people over look how shit its story actually was?
about 7 years ago
I really don't like how CCGs success rate is based off of ads and fanbase a good card game that isn't as big as it could be I've found is Plants vs Zombies Heroes I don't have enough text space so click this link https://www.reddit.com/r/PvZHeroes/comments/83zgr6/i_was_going_to_give_insight_on_some_
about 7 years ago
I sincerely hope it flops hard, so Valve learns to not make some copycat card game. They should be focusing on games from their IP that people REALLY wanted back...
about 7 years ago
@Chris Sizemore: There's a difference between a comic strip and a game with a large time and possibly large monetary investment.
about 7 years ago
To be fair, Scrolls was out before Hearthstone. It was slowly getting a following when Hearthstone soundly killed it.
about 7 years ago
People will go wherever their favorite streamer goes. So really, it's just about targeting them as opposed to the masses.
about 7 years ago
IMHO the next card game that will make a hit will be a Clicker Card Game by Nint or Rockstar. I think the success is in part due to Blizz fan-base and how it got marketed because MtG/Pkmn been on the digi-market before, those are RL card game success stories, and yet aren't as popular.
about 7 years ago
@Paul Richeson. Magic players didn't flock to the first MtG online, or the series of MtG based games afterward. What makes MtG: Arena different? And what makes those players ignore another game by the designer of MtG? That is like saying loyal Nerf Now fans don't look at other comics.
about 7 years ago
Man I remember thinking Scrolls actually looked pretty neat. Unfortunately, it wasn't F2P, so it died immediately.
about 7 years ago
@PewnyPL: I could as well say Spiteful Summoner turn 6 or Ragnaros turn 8. Mysterious turn 6 is still the biggest automatic play.
about 7 years ago
@Collin Rotton: It was just an example, as in "Does anyone remember Mysterious Challenger turn 6?"
about 7 years ago
@Chris Sizemore: Naw, the Magic guys are going to be playing the actual Magic game: MtG: Arena, when that gets out of beta.
about 7 years ago
“Mysterious Challenger turn 6”.
...How long has it been since you’ve last played Hearthstone?
about 7 years ago
@EnragedFilia Are you implying tons of people don't still play that game cause we do :)
about 7 years ago
@EnragedFilia: I'm sure there are older ones, like Top Trumps.
about 7 years ago
Imagine if the only CCG we had today was whatever came first. We'd all still be playing MTG!
about 7 years ago
Hearthstone's success is because it is Blizzard and its fanbase. Artifact is looking to tap into Magic's fanbase with Richard Garfield at the helm. FYI SoE had an Everquest based card game years before Hearthstone. So Blizzard copying SoE again for another huge hit.
about 7 years ago
If you've got it, shill it!