What people are saying about "Struggle"
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almost 7 years ago
I want to bury my face in Angie.
almost 7 years ago
See, now here is a joke that can only work with Alek.
*gets in line* :3
almost 7 years ago
@Steven Wright she is actually under/behind the bar where amgie serves drinks playing some good ol' video games.
almost 7 years ago
@Vargos It's a bar, so it's not an appropriate place for minors to hang out.
almost 7 years ago
Where's Maggie in all of this?
almost 7 years ago
Jane and Morgan should have to share their turn from now on. No mercy for exploits!
almost 7 years ago
I feel sudden urge to become a fan of some bottom-tier Overwatch team :v
almost 7 years ago
I like the longer sleeves with the new uniforms, matches Morgan's original design/Mario(oops I mean Luigi :) theme better. I understand why Alex and Anne doesn't have them but I hope the other 3 keeps their longer sleeve shirts.
almost 7 years ago
ah it's comics like this that reminds me why i get up in the morning
almost 7 years ago
Maybe it's because there's already a hat with the letter A in it. Plus, Alek is Russian and Russians and communism go hand in hand in pretty much every form of media, so why the hell not?
almost 7 years ago
I don't mean the communist part that was too much
almost 7 years ago
@Jo why does Alek's hat have a star instead of tye first letter of their name? Is it because she is a communist?