Three spoons? I use five. And enough milk that my coffee is basically coffee-flavored sweetened milk. TEAspoons before you say anything, five TABLEspoons is simply overpowering.
I'll never understand why people treat sugar as some sort of drug, worst thing sugar has ever done to me is mess up my taste for a while making everything taste like shit(eat enough sugar and it'll also make itself taste like shit).
fuck if that's ALL she does, then she really is a Goody-two-shoes. what would be wild is if she put COCAINE in her coffee. that would be much more acceptable "wild"
I can’t bring myself to drink anything outside of water, milk, juice. No caffeine or carbonated beverages as my taste buds react too severely. Even tea is disgusting to no end. I’m also slightly lactose intolerant but you’ll never take away my 3.25%! Never!