What people are saying about "Vida Loca"
Vida Loca
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almost 7 years ago
Judge dredd logic right here. Old stoney face will be barging in any moment now.
almost 7 years ago
No unsweetened dark coffee? Casual detected.
almost 7 years ago
Three spoons? I use five. And enough milk that my coffee is basically coffee-flavored sweetened milk. TEAspoons before you say anything, five TABLEspoons is simply overpowering.
almost 7 years ago
I'll never understand why people treat sugar as some sort of drug, worst thing sugar has ever done to me is mess up my taste for a while making everything taste like shit(eat enough sugar and it'll also make itself taste like shit).
almost 7 years ago
I am a hipster. I put 0 spoons of sugar in my coffee.
almost 7 years ago
4-spooner here. AMA
almost 7 years ago
I hear she likes to hold hands too. Degenerate freak!
almost 7 years ago
fuck if that's ALL she does, then she really is a Goody-two-shoes. what would be wild is if she put COCAINE in her coffee. that would be much more acceptable "wild"
almost 7 years ago
@Chris Sizemore: It's because the human body HAS to have carbs. If you don't eat any for too long it does bad things to you.
almost 7 years ago
Little does she know her special sugar supplier is giving her Moonsugar.
almost 7 years ago
I won't even smell the coffee if it doesn't have at least six spoons of sugar.
almost 7 years ago
I don’t do anything special I’ve just on more than one occasion consumed enough espresso with milk that the caffeine content should have killed me.
almost 7 years ago
anymore than no sugar and it's not even coffee.
almost 7 years ago
Its amazing how much a little carbs hit you when you go 100% keto.
almost 7 years ago
INB4 Jane accidentally walks in for something, and Morgan - delirious with sucrose and lust - pins her to the wall and f**ks her senseless.
almost 7 years ago
That's all? I put a gallon of French Vanilla creamer in mine.
almost 7 years ago
My dad use to make Army issue Coffee.
Only way mom could take it was with Sugar, Milk and Chocolate. Don't as how much of each she took.
almost 7 years ago
I can’t bring myself to drink anything outside of water, milk, juice. No caffeine or carbonated beverages as my taste buds react too severely. Even tea is disgusting to no end. I’m also slightly lactose intolerant but you’ll never take away my 3.25%! Never!
almost 7 years ago
Just look at all that cascading white powder...
almost 7 years ago
Morgan is a druggy confirmed
almost 7 years ago
Jane and Morgan should have to share a turn from now on.
almost 7 years ago
Then I'm out of control, since I drink my sugar with 3 spoons of coffee.
almost 7 years ago
I put 3 n' a half spoons of sugar, I'm a wild card, a rebel.
almost 7 years ago
pls Morgan senpai, tell us teh secret how to stay slim, and still using 3 spoon fo sugar!? #FatPeopleStruggle
almost 7 years ago
Accidentally did three today too. Poured it away; Couldn't handle the sweet.
almost 7 years ago
Guess noone should introduce such innocence to Irish coffee.