What people are saying about "Deal"
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almost 7 years ago
This is why Anne is arguably best girl
almost 7 years ago
@Victor Lebrun: Your long shot is correct.
almost 7 years ago
I fully expect Morgan to tie Jane up and for her to cosplay with Anne-Marie as punishment for that 64-0 streak.
almost 7 years ago
She could ask the new guy.
almost 7 years ago
It may be a long shot... but is the 3-A swimsuit a reference to Negima?
almost 7 years ago
i aprove of this comic
almost 7 years ago
@MechaKingGhidra: On a good side I'm fairly confident the next meta will be made around old cards and it will be possible to flat out skip this one.
almost 7 years ago
I won’t buy past pre-order, as well. The card reveals are dramatically less impressive so far than I’d imagine. It’s actually HEALTHY for the game but paying around $65(?) dollars (Canadian) makes me hard-pressed to justify it enough as it was beforehand.
almost 7 years ago
@???: It's less about the outfit being skimpy, more about she finding it silly.
almost 7 years ago
I sense Morgan is really influencing Jane...