What people are saying about "Sunscreen Tutorial"
Sunscreen Tutorial
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almost 7 years ago
Grr, I really wanna get to the last panel and check out the joke, but my spoilers sense is tingling... just a liiittle more gameplay.
almost 7 years ago
Angie so fine.

I wish Angie was putting sunscreen on Victoire.
almost 7 years ago
This web comic as become everything I like... that's is fanservice, fanservice and more fanservice.
almost 7 years ago
@Giovanni Lemos Thanks for pointing it out.
I appreciate the pro bono proofreading. :)
almost 7 years ago
Emil Xien Tau Samuelsson, two can play this game... The correct spelling is "bashful" with only one "L"
almost 7 years ago
So much fanservice in one comic
almost 7 years ago
I’m on mobile, so I can’t place a photo note to claim Panel #2 Angie, so I’ll do it here.

Claiming Sunscreen Angie, Panel 2.

Edit: Thank you tom641.
almost 7 years ago
When you are so pale paper white, that walking in the sun will make you boil alive. Even when you are indoors.
almost 7 years ago
Which is why indie games are generally better.
almost 7 years ago
In action platformers I don't mind playing the same stages over as I enjoy the fluidety of the gameplay. Recently played through friends to the end, pretty good. So I'll have to try this at some point.