What people are saying about "Pit Fighter"
Pit Fighter
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over 6 years ago
Thank you Jo for swimsuit Angie. Need more, but this time Angie with Victoire.
almost 7 years ago
Maybe Annie ends up in the Prinny outfit. It IS the most recognizable character in the cast!
almost 7 years ago
her hair is fucking huge in the third panel.
almost 7 years ago
@Matt Snease: Calling it now: Jane picks Jennifer to go with Morgan's choice of Thursday
almost 7 years ago
You know, I have to agree with Phillip. Artina would actually work out well for character purposes. I mean, I wanted Asagi, but that would be fine too. Wait...did we ever see what Jane was going to pick?
almost 7 years ago
Or maybe Artina, Angel of Greed?
almost 7 years ago
Soooo... True Etna just as Morgan relents and accepts the role? A “here we go again” sort of thing and the Morgan goes back to Prinny
almost 7 years ago
This is the greatest thing I've ever contributed to this comic. I'm so happy lol
almost 7 years ago
Ha, pretty good.
almost 7 years ago
O_O.... he, he did it... he actually did it..... I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 7 years ago
Pokemon already said the teaser isn't for the main switch game. Let's Go will be this fall, and the switch core series games will be next year.
almost 7 years ago
Well, it's Pokemon on a console more powerful than a handheld, so there cwrtainly is more to it than PkmGO stuff. It Ctually reminds me of the old GC~GBA compatibility stuff.
almost 7 years ago
... and sure, Nether Nobles are far from the most *glamorous* class out there, but just think of the utility benefits Anne could get. +100% extra cash earned. Increased stats by money owned. The benefits go on and on. ;p
almost 7 years ago
...Also, though it's a low-probability that she'd opt for it, she probably has enough spare cash on-hand, now, to qualify to become a Nether Noble.
almost 7 years ago
Don't worry gang. Anne still has the option to be a Nine-Tales from game 5... ;p
almost 7 years ago
And btw yes, there is one arm more at the 2nd frame LUL
almost 7 years ago
Going to have to disagree with Angie here. Might have to do with the hair and personality, but I personally think the succubus look suits Anne better.
almost 7 years ago
almost 7 years ago
The only way this can end happily is if Anne comes back in something even more outrageous for the double-win.