What people are saying about "Star Serf"
Star Serf
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over 6 years ago
Plenty of people bought that pack, apparently. To consolidate all their other pledges that brought them over the asking price of it anyway.

Not that there is any point in paying more to have some later-game ships from the start, unlocking them ingame will be more fun.
almost 7 years ago
We badly need a Duke Nukem x Star Citizen strip, Jo. The Vaporware All-Stars. Just, like, make it *happen*.
almost 7 years ago
Some people bought the 15k pack, so...
almost 7 years ago
...are they really having a F2P model where you can be a mechanic? Nice! (I'm not even sarcastic)
almost 7 years ago
is that luke skywalker washing the millennium falcon?
almost 7 years ago
Or people will just ignore it and forget it exists since no one will ever buy it.
almost 7 years ago
Yeah... Viscera Cleanup Detail shows that a game like that would actually be a viable idea. Wh, you could probably make a game called NASCAR Pit CREW where your entire game is just waiting for a pitstop and then getting the car ready.
almost 7 years ago
I thought it's widely understood star citizen is just a scam.
almost 7 years ago
How have people not realized that Star Citizen is just a pyramid scheme by now?
almost 7 years ago
Heh, Star Citizen to me has lost every semblance of a real thing. You know it's there, but it feels like it isn't. It will probably be still in development in 2025
almost 7 years ago
That last panel is great. XD
almost 7 years ago
Reminds me of PA’s comic about Hellgate London